Selasa, 12 Juli 2016

The Urban Sasquatch Journal: Urban Site Perspective

This is the reporting by a Bigfoot researcher of an ongoing study in the Southern part of the United States in a very large park area near homes and urban setting.

- Other Installments - 
#1 What Is Urban Sasquatch?
#2 "The Original Experiment"
#3 "The Urban Study Begins"
#4 "Signatures and Signs" 
#5 "Mixing It Up"
#6 "Neglected and Discouraged"
#7 "Adding Complexities"
#8 "Stunning Interactions"
#9 "Showing My Intent"
#10 "I'm Being Directed"
#11 "New Team Member"
#12 "Working It Vigorously"
#13 "Curious Interactions"
#14 "New Season Begins"
#15 "Answering My Thoughts?"
#16 Trail Cam Sham 
#17 Training for Cameras
#18 Weather, Birds and Unexplained Sights
#19 More Preparation For Filming
#20 Revealing the Urban Research Site
#21 Research Considerations
#22 Making Signs
#23 Footprint Found 
#24 Testing Animal Versus Sasquatch
#25 Enticing With Food and Curiosity
#26 Amping up the Exchange
#27 Opening Communication
#28 Extended Visit
#29 Pillaged and Moved 
#30 Feather Gift
#31 Disarray
#32 Evolving
#33 Flooding and Chaos 
#34 After the Floods
#35 Lots of Changes
#36 Hair Samples 
#37 Lots of Tinkering
#38 Shocking Find 
#39 Between Storms
#40 Are They Understanding? 
#41 Amping Up the Challenges
#42 The Calm Before the Storm?
#43 Drawing Them Out of Hiding
#44 Footprints and Disruption 
#45 Dream Catcher and Gifting
#46 Narrowing the Locations
#47 2015 Year In Review and 2016 Begins! 
#48 Twigs and Balls
#49 Come and Take It! 
#50 Making Themselves Known
#51 Footprint of the Treat Thief! 
#52 Perspective on the Site
#53 Being Watched
#54 Restless Pillaging
#55 Shuffling Through 
#56 Arches Forming
#57 Steady Progress 
#58 Systemic Changes 

Volume 3
Field Trip #15
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Yesterday, I had planned on spending the night at site 1B. I took a number of items to the site for this purpose. That was the reason, I got the park around 4:30 AM. I had gone home and was returning to the park around 6:45 PM, when nearly there, I felt not to spend the night??? So, I didn't. I went home. I decided on Saturday morning to bike ride section #2 of the flood control reservoir levee and see the conditions in the levee area. In February, I rode section #1 and made my observations of things found or seen. So, I did it. This was no were near my site area. Miles away. I arrived at this parking area approximately 10:05 AM. The temperature was 66, with high clouds and blue sky. It took me 40 minutes to complete the section ride one way, including taking photos, etc. I came off the levee and explored several game trails on the reservoir, wilderness side to the north. It was hard to explore due to the swarming of mosquitoes. By 11:35 AM I was back at my parking area.

Photos 1-28 shows the levee ride, etc.

#1. Section #2 entry onto levee west to east. The wilderness north side is on the left.

#2.  Same gate entry but showing the tree line south side, on the urban side.

#3. thru #5.-Trails from the levee top down to the north side tree-line.

#6. The south side treeline, the urban side.

#7. and #8.  Biking and hiking trail on the urban, south side of the levee.

#9. Treeline, north side. At the far north of the photo water can be seen.

#10. thru #12. Flooded areas on the north side. Many creeks converge in this section.

#13. thru #16. On the opposite side of the levee is the biking, hiking trail and urban sprawl.

#17. thru #19. The dam is located near this location of the levee. The control station can be seen here. 

#20. Water from the north side coming thru dam at levee to a major area creek.

#21. and #22. I'm at the end of section #2 on the far east end. looking back to the west. The wilderness north side is to the right.

#23. I'm still at the east end but looking directly north with a major highway crossing the reservoir dividing sections #2 and #3.

#24. thru #28. In one of the 2 areas I explored to the north, off the levee in the treeline, I found all these balls. I took them back to site 1B.

After exploring these 2 areas, I had to get away from the mosquitoes. Again, I arrived back at the parking area around 11:35 AM. I left the park and drove to my regular parking area. I arrived around 12 noon. The temperature had warmed up to 71. While here, I did the 7+miles bike ride, then went to site 1B.

#29. thru #34. I stopped at the cedar tree past the 0.25 mile marker. I found sticks laid out and decided to do 2 stick signs set-ups. One looking like a small stick person.

#35. This bucket, I forgot to mention from the past visit. This was another bucket I added (#3) and used to put gifting items in and on to be taken.

#36. A new set-up.

#37. and #38. I added screws to the photos to keep them from being angled.

#39. and #40. At pipe #2, I added some more items to yesterday's set-up.

#41. thru #43. I brought the monkey and bear dolls to the small tree next to the pipes. Both have been put on crooks of limbs.

#44. The food gifting bucket with food items is still as is from yesterday.

#45. Items I brought yesterday for the possible over-nighter which didn't take place: My camp chair, Coleman lantern, bionic ear and parabolic dish,
kettle bell, repellent, ropes and strings, 2x4 tree knocker.

After checking everything it was time to go. It is the end of March and the mosquitoes are bad. I can't stand the mosquitoes.

This concludes field report #15 for Saturday March 26, 2016.

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Related : The Urban Sasquatch Journal: Urban Site Perspective

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