Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

The Urban Sasquatch Journal: Original Experiment Journal

Episode 2
"The Original Experiment"

This is the first of a running series on Ghost Hunting Theories chronicling a present-day Sasquatch experiment utilizing techniques employed by this researcher over a decade ago in a completely different location at an habituation site. 

Today, the researcher's ongoing study is being performed in an urban setting in the southern half of the US, hundreds of miles from the original site and the results are amazingly similar. 

During the series, I will be sharing the evolution of these experiments and their results from his journal.

**Link to Episode 1**


I like to emphasize the need for all sites to be kept secret and all researchers, as well, in order to keep them valid and untainted, as well as to protect the Sasquatch and the researchers in a field that is often fraught with bogus researchers and sometimes even thugs. 

The Researcher

The researcher is a 63-year-old male with a military background who has worked in construction the majority of his life. He is exceedingly well versed and read on the subject of Sasquatch and prefers time in the field to sitting at a desk. His foray into the field was in 2000 and he remained active in the field until 2006 when he took a hiatus and came back again a year ago. He has been involved in several habituation sites over the years. He is not a hunter and does not wish to harm any creatures in the woods. He is an outdoorsman, who enjoys fishing, camping and hiking. His objective is not to prove the existence of Sasquatch, but to experience one-on-one interactions and make them comfortable with showing themselves for him to have a face-to-face. All in all, in one way or another, he has been following the mystery of Sasquatch for 14 years. After being called back into the field again by some who needed assistance, he has put himself back into the study avidly and utilizing skills he learned in the early 2000s at a habituation site (the one I will share with his journal below).

The Original Experiment

The experiments began in a time when the Internet was not filled with tons and tons of Sasquatch groups and interests in 2003. It was done quietly and respectfully on a private property adjoining large sanctuary lands that made an ideal situation for habituation. 

And, it all began with some tires left in the woods nearby. 

January 2003

The experiment began when a nearby landowner found a group of tires in the a wildlife area adjoining his property. He stacked the tires and left the area. At a later visit, they had been moved into some trees in that area.

This also included footprints on the muddy trail in front of the trees. This took place in January 2003.

The landowner brought in some friends to research with him, a group who showed curiosity, outdoors skills, and wisdom and they decided to move the project onto his land to see if the Sasquatch might come onto his adjoining property and move tires there.

In late February 2003, this nearby landowner placed out four old tires they had on a trail on his property.  The result was the four tires ended up in the trees on his property, like what had happened over at the protected lands (see below journal).

- Researcher's notes and journal begin -

NOTE:  Green highlighter is identifying the "changed" arrangement, assumed to be done by the Sasquatch on the property. Non-highlighted means the researchers did this step.

January 2003 - begins with stack of tires left out.

Date:  01/11/2003 
Location: (in wildlife preserve adjoining landowner's property)
Event: Tire #1 found on tree break. This first tire at the “Y” of the trail. 

Date:  01/11/2003
Location:  (in adjoining wildlife preserve to landowner's property)
Event:  Tire #2in another tree in the crook of the tree.  There are prints on the trail in front of the tree

(note property owner's raised hand fully stretched out to show height of tire in tree)

Date:  01/11/2003
Location:  (in adjoining wildlife preserve to landowner's property)
Event:  Tire #3 is in another tree approximately 10 feet north of Tire #2.

Date: 02/01/2003
Location:  (in adjacent wildlife preserve to landowner's property)
Event:  3 tires stacked!  Are they playing a game?

In late February 2003, they moved the experiment onto the landowner's property -

Date:  02/28/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)
EventTire #1 (of 4 found in consecutive trees north to south).

Date: 02/28/2003
Location: (Landowner's property)
Event:  Tire #2 (of 4)

Date: 02/28/2003
Location: (Landowner's property)
Event:  Tire #3 (of four) found in trees.

Date:  02/28/2003
Location:  (landowner's property) 
Event:  Tire #4 (of 4 tires) found in tree.

Date:  02/28/2003
Location:  (***Wildlife preserve adjoining landowner's property)
Event:  I had previously stacked these 5 tires approximately 30 feet from where now located. I left them here like this. I came back, 04/12/2003 and found only 3 of the 5 tires.

Date:  03/29/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event: I took these tires out of the trees and restacked to see what would happen (something wouldhappen later).  I added long limb with tire tube.

Date:  04/12/2003
Location:  (landowner's property) 
Event:  Today we moved the tires from the stump near the landowner's big pond to the west side of the creek near a tree break.  We put up a new formation and chained the tires to a small tree.

Date:  04/12/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)
Event:  This formation, I set up. The last time I looked (05/10/2003) it was still intact, as is, without any new happening.

Date: 04/24/2003
Location:  (landowner's property) 
Event:  The tires had been chained around the small tree. The tree was broken approximately 3-4 feet off the ground.  This photo shows another look at the break and new location of tires in this formation. The chain is still around the tires, directly in back of the tree, close to the creek. Also, you see a wrapper from sweets that the landowners had been placing for the BFs.

Date:  04/24/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)  
Event:  Here is a close look at the new formation of tires.  Again, this was not set up by us and is behind the tree it was chained to.

Date: 04/30/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)  
Event:  Two other researchers placed these tires on this tall stump. It may have been 8 feet tall. My old sweat shirt was put on the top of the tree stump over the tires.

Date: 05/10/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)  
Event:  As you can see the, tires, limb, tire tube, and chain have been moved to this spot, 25 to 30 feet from the destroyed large stump. This is the same formation I used on a trail near the large pond across this creek. This is not mine or my co-researcher's setups above.

Date: 05/11/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  The night before, a researcher on the team put 2 honey buns on the tire formation, one between the tires and chain, another on the tire tube.  The next morning, the tires had been slightly adjusted, and the honey buns were gone. One wrapper is on the ground to the left. The other wrapper is across the creek.

Date: 05/21/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  Tires are now in a new formation, with my limb stuck through the tires and chain.

Date: 05/22/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  This new setup with tires, chain, 2 bed frame pieces, and beach ball done by another researcher on the team.

Date: 05/26/2003
Location:  (landowner's property) 
Event:  The tires and chain formation two researcher places, which was nailed to the tree has been torn off and placed where seen in photo. The beach ball was taken out of the tire and placed on the ground.  Note: In the photo, there is a small tree break with the tire tube on the limbs. Tires with chain, beach ball, wash tub, 2 chairs.

Date: 05/26/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)
Event:  A close-up photo of prior photo with tires, chain, limb and bed frame pieces.

Date: 06/01/2003
Location: (landowner's property) 
Event:  Tires were disturbed overnight. They are chained to a small but tough Bois D’arc tree. The chair in the background had a monkey doll on it. It’s now gone!

Date: 06/05/2003
Location: (landowner's property) 
Event:  Formation knocked over? Cows? Camo poncho and “Wilson” (painted face on soccer ball) on ground also.

Date:  06/05/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)
Event:  Another look at the tire formation, a different position. The back tire was on top of the two, perpendicular with “Wilson” in the tire hole with the camo poncho around the tire.

Date:  06/05/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  I put up this new formation along the landowner's fence line.  Nothing happened to this formation. I moved them at a later date.

Date: 06/07/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event: After being missing for a week, the mirror and tires with chain were returned to the clearing area not far from my deer feeder. Pretty good formation. 

Date: 06/07/2003
Location: (landowner's property) 
Event:  I set up this new formation. This is a new group of tires just brought from the original adjacent wildlife land.

Date: 06/07/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  Again, my own setup. I restacked tires on one another. I put the T-stick in it with blue bowl hangers and adding an empty ale bottle on a small branch of a tree.

Date: 06/10/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)
Event:  Tire formation from prior photos, moved to this new position, not by us.

Date: 06/10/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)
Event:  Tires have been moved from our setup spot near the small pond with windmill, near the small shed and red small barn and garden. They have been moved through the gate into the weeds.

Date: 06/10/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  Another photo of same setup of same tires moved from near the small red barn to this spot.

Date: 06/22/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  The chain and tires found back on the Bois D’ arc tree break. Why? What was is the meaning? This is the tree that had these tires with the chain around it. The tree was body slammed by BF trying to release these tires from the chain and tree a few weeks earlier.

Date: 07/11/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  New painted tires by landowner. These tires had been moved recently and we set up this formation with the mirror nearby.

Date: 07/11/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  My new formation setup along landowner's fence line and trail, cute!

Date: 07/13/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  Looks as if something urinated on this particular formation and my lantern. I left the lantern overnight on the formation with the light on. It was turned off overnight?? The landowner has cows in the pasture possibly may have urinated but turned off the lantern??

Date: 07/18/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  Fresh tree break near tires, mirror, etc, setup.

Date:  07/18/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event: Closer photo of previous photo, with tires, chain, tire tube, half hollow coconut, beach ball, upright 3 tires, one on its side.

Date: 07/18/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  With this formation, 4 tires (2 new) are stacked on one another from largest on bottom to smallest on top. A limb is placed on top behind tires by the stump.  My orange kerchief is tied off. The red bowl is on the ground beside the stump. The metal chair was moved back to the pond.

Date: 07/18/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  The formation I had near the fence off the trail was wiped out. All were put among the trees opposite side of the trail. The tires are scattered, chair, “Wilson,” (a soccer ball with a face painted on it), towel, bowls, and decorations scattered.

Date:  07/19/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)
Event:   Beach ball, tire tube, half coconut shell, found on the ground next to the tires. Friday, all of the items were on top of the tires.

Date: 07/27/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)
Event: New setup with all items moved from the previous location to here and mirror, tires, chain, tire tube, beach ball, coconut half shell.

Date:  07/27/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)
Event:  My setup has been moved. Mirror with tires, chain, beach ball, tire tube, half coconut shell, now under the light with an X-10 camera looking north to the light.

Date:  07/27/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)
Event:  My new setup. Main setup with tires brought over from the formation across the creek. This photo is looking to the north.

Date: 08/16/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)
Event: The green tire is down in the creek in an east line from the red tire in next photo

Date: 08/16/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)
Event:  The tire formation next to the creek under the cedar tree made by BF!

Date:  08/16/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)
Event:  My new setup in front of the treehouse. The creek with the concrete bridge to the left is in the background. Viewed from the northwest.

Date:  08/30/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  My setup had been removed around to this location. 4 painted tires with chain, “Wilson,” had 1 tire in the crook of the tree.

Date: 08/30/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)
Event:  Tire put in the crook of the tree, jammed down low. A second tire in the tree upper left in another crook. Also, in the picture, the tree limb with bow and gourd shell.

Date:  08/30/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  New setup around the treehouse.  All items brought to this point by us. Viewed from northwest to southeast. 

(Yellow above - a researcher's face blocked out)

Date:  08/30/2003
Location:  (landowner's property)
Event:  Same setup as in previous photo.  All items are around the treehouse. View from southeast to northwest.

Date:  10/04/2003
Location: (landowner's property)
Event:  3 of the painted tires are stacked at the base of the treehouse with green tire in the crook of the tree.  Usually the red tire is found on the bottom, but it looks like they’ve stacked from largest to smallest vertically.

Date: 10/04/2003
Location: landowner's property
Event: Looking down over the stacked 3 tires. All the items I’ve been hanging up around the tire formations have been put inside of the tires, like a trash container???

Date: 10/04/2003
Location:  landowner's property
Event: 4 of the tires were laid out in a row to the east of the garden, north to south, on the little rise  of ground covered with grass.

Date: 10/04/2003
Location: landowner's property
Event:  This chair was put into the middle of tire formations. The only tires seen are near the treehouse tree. This is a mirror piece on the 2 x 4 ladder cut on the tree.

Date:  11/08/2003
Location: landowner's property
EventOne of the tires has been placed in a tree, hanging on a limb.

Date: 11/08/2003
Location: landowner's property
Event: Same tire photo from different location.

Date: 11/08/2003
Location: landowner's property
EventAgain, same tire photographed from different location.

Date: 02/14/2004
Location:  landowner's property
Event:  The tires have been moved to this present position. View from west to east.

Date: 02/14/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  Closeup of the 2 tires from the front – smaller tire – view to north-northwest

Date: 02/14/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  Close up of standing single tree with other 2 distant, approximately 25 yards from 2 tires to single tire. View from south-southwest

Date: 02/14/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  Same grouping, south to north photo with single standing tire close, the two 25 yards distance.

Date: 02/14/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event: I put up this formation of 3 tires with a “Y” limb next to a tree break.

Date:  02/15/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  A new setup of 2 groups of tires. The painted tires were hung on the fence posts. Also, 4 black tires were stacked near the green tire tree. Also, used the red ribbons, “Wilson.” This was between the treehouse and food bucket #6.

Date: 04/18/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  One of three stacks. The tires have been moved to different locations. Also, “Wilson,” bed frame piece. (see next pic)

Date: 04/18/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  A group of tires have been moved from previous location and stacked here and stacked.

Date: 04/18/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  1 of 3 stacks. Our third group of tires found piled together on the SE corner of the property wooded area.

Date: 04/18/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  This is 2 of 3 groups of trees on the property. This is the new tire formation setup with 2 bed frames, hollowed out coconut half, “Wilson,” tire tube, rock, red ribbon.

Date: 04/24/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  The tires have been left out in different arrangements.

Date:  04/24/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  Additions to setup.

Date: 04/24/ 2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  The tires have been moved from south side of fence near the garden to the north side.

Date: 04/24/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  Tires on south side of fence rearranged to the garden area; 4 painted tires, ½ coconut shell, 2 bed frame pieces, red ribbon on fence post.

Date:  04/24/2004
Location:  landowner's property
I constructed this new tire and pole formation near the gift tent and fire pit. I also used my feeder barrel and log poles.

Date: 04/24/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event: Second photo of rearranged tires looking south to north.

Date: 05/09/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  Formation tires have been moved with limbs/branches put through one of the tire openings.

Date: 05/09/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  The tires have been moved with my deer feeder barrel with leg poles, put upside down on the tires into the top opening. Slick, huh!

Date: 05/09/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  The painted tires have been moved and stacked west of the creek. This includes 2 limbs placed in the crook of a small tree leaning with “Wilson” at the base. 

Date: 05/15/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  At the old burned stump, I brought this group of 4 tires from southeast corner wooded area along with limbs and set up this new formation. I filled the tree opening with limbs/branches.

Date:  05/15/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  I took 8 of the tires plus the deer feeder parts and “Wilson” and set up a new formation. Also used feeder barrel with leg poles.

Date: 06/11/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  Tires, poles, “Wilson” moved around.

Date: 06/11/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  Blue and green tires moved from formation to a grassy area near the creek.

Date: 06/11/2004
Location:  landowner's property
Event:  The yellow and red tires moved from formation and stacked in the grassy area near creek.

Date: 06/11/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  One of my t-shirts has been moved from the fence to this setup and put through the limbs in short openings.

Date: 06/11/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  New setup in the clearing looking northwest to southeast. All the tires (12) used plus t-shirts, poles, limbs. Again, all the tires were brought to this spot.

Date:  06/11/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  Same setup as seen above but from east to west.

Date: 06/12/2004
Location:  landowner's property
Event:  The tires have been moved around this morning and 2 posts were on the ground. (photo from west to east)

Date: 06/12/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  Same as photo before looking east to west. You can see the downed poles in the photo.

Date: 06/12/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event: Another new setup, with 2 posts on tires and 1 pole part leaning against a single tire.

Date: 06/12/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event: Another setup, new formation. Blue tire on top. Green tire under 6 metal parts.

Date: 06/12/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event: I added limbs on top of the setup in the afternoon.

Date: 06/12/2004
Location: landowner's property
Event:  I added bed frame pieces and ½ the coconut shell and red ribbon, to the formation in the afternoon.


These interactions back for a year's time show a consistent play back and forth that at times seems to have no rhyme or reason, and at other times seems to send a message. The tires being stacked with the items put inside shows a sign of saying, "hey, take your junk and get out of here." When the tires are moved from a garden that provides food, they are saying essentially, "no trash in the garden." When the lantern is turned off and the set up is urinated on, it seems to say, "Don't endanger my forest." 

The addition of colored tires was a unique research concept to see if, in fact, color makes a difference to them. The researchers did note the red usually needed to connect with the earth and one thing we have come to know from habituation interactions is that Sasquatch can often times be rather OCD, liking things done in a certain order or symmetry, but at times these tires are just tossed across the hillside.  At other times, they seem to stack according to size in a neat and logical manner to support the stack. 

The turning point seemed to be the chaining of the tires to the tree. The Sasquatch had run off with tires before and brought them back (perhaps hiding them somewhere else, hoping the researchers would find them?), but they did not seem to value them as a play tool. 

The addition of other useful items to the arrangements was a nice touch, to see if the Sasquatch might take off with something, but they seemed to appreciate that they were having a back and forth with the researchers, a safer form of communication. Other than the stuffed monkey, it would appear all items were accounted for. 

Were they aware of the cameras? Yes, they were. This is why the researchers brought out a door mirror in hopes of capturing them behind the cameras, creeping up. 

The team showed innovation before its time and willingness to adapt experiments for new knowledge. You will see this dynamic at a rapid pace in next week's posting about the urban location and the weekly reportings of the adapting experiments. Some of what we will learn will shock and amaze, from the urban location to the reaction to the interactions. 

One thing I must comment on is that, if you lived next door to an elderly man who feels compelled to wave and chit chat when you are in the front yard, that does not mean all elderly neighbors are this way. Thus, we must take experiments with an individual or individuals do not represent all of their race. What we can learn is their degree of desire to interact and how their intelligence and adaptability to a change in game plan are assimilated.

Next week begins the new present-day journal entries at the urban Sasquatch location.  The original experiment inspired the desire to establish interaction in the new location, but it was a set of tires that broke the silence and began a series of amazing interactions.  

Are City Sasquatch smarter or just more adept at understanding human or just more used to understanding human behavior? 

The series will come in installments every Tuesday here at Ghost Hunting Theories, as the researcher shares his journal, his revelations, and his expectations. I am excited to bring you the developing studies, as it has always been my desire to show what goes on behind the scenes in the world of Sasquatch research.

***Tomorrow is the first episode of The Stalker Between the Worlds series of a real-life macabre and terrifying interaction between a man and an unknown predator.***

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Related : The Urban Sasquatch Journal: Original Experiment Journal

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