Selasa, 22 Desember 2015

The Urban Sasquatch Journal: Lots of Changes

This is the reporting by a Bigfoot researcher of an ongoing study in the Southern part of the United States in a very large park area near homes and urban setting.

Prior Installments: 

#1  What is Urban Sasquatch?
#2 "The Original Experiment"
#3 "The Urban Study Begins"
#4 "Signatures and Signs" 
#5  "Mixing It Up"
#6  "Neglected and Discouraged" 
#7  "Adding Complexities"
#8  "Stunning Interactions"
#9  "Showing My Intent"
#10  "I'm Being Directed"
#11  "New Team Member"
#12  "Working It Vigorously"
#13 "Curious Interactions"
#14  "New Season Begins" 
#15 "Answering My Thoughts?"
#16  Trail Cam Sham 
#17 Training for Cameras
#21  Research Considerations
#22  Making Signs
#23  Footprint Found 
#24  Testing Animal Versus Sasquatch
#25  Enticing With Food and Curiosity 
#26  Amping up the Exchange
#27 Opening Communication
#28  Extended Visit
#29  Pillaged and Moved 
#30  Feather Gift
#31  Disarray
#32  Evolving
#32  Flooding and Chaos 
#33  After the Floods

Visit #29 
Saturday, October 4, 2015

A beautiful fall morning finally. Temperature 67, clear blue sky and a nice breeze. I hoped fall was here for a while. 

I arrived at the park around 9 a.m. I brought my bike to ride the trail and to get me to the sites faster. I did my bike ride at the nearby trail around the parking area and left for the far end of the park. I left my pack etc. for the return to the vehicle before riding to site 1B. It felt great to be biking in this environment.

I did take my binoculars for observation down the P.R.O.W. At 10:20 a.m., I arrived at the P.R.O.W parked the bike and observed to the south and north with my binoculars. No activity was seen. I began to take photos at this point. I have 47 for this visit. I will use them now to share the report.

#1 thru #6. At 10:20 a.m. I stopped and parked at the P.R.O.W. I took my binoculars and observed both north and south for activity. None was noted. I took my bike down the P.R.O.W. approximately 25-30 yds. to the first trail opening to the east. I had gone in this small area several times in the past, but it had been a while. I did a small set-up at the entry. I took 6 photos at that location. The first was looking south down the P.R.O.W. just off the trail. In the second, my bike was near the east trail opening. Photo #3, at the entry, I then laid out 4 limbs as a signature of my being there. Photos #4 and #5 - I stood limbs around a tree next to the trail entry. Photo #6, I pissed on the base of the tree to see if any reaction would take place (push the tree over, etc.). I left the location and rode back to my vehicle at the far west end of the park. It was 10:40 a.m. when I left the P.R.O.W.

#7. and #8. On the trail, riding to the west, I stopped at the 2.25 miles marker east. I took 2 photos. The trash container has been removed from its attachment and the bench has been broken up. Could be the work of vandals??? A number on trash containers and benches along the trail are in this condition. Some have been noted in a previous report. I continued back to my vehicle. I arrived at the parking lot around 11:20 a.m. I took a short break and loaded my back pack and rode to site 1B.

It may be hard to believe, but I expect to see something new, changed or re-arranged every time I visit the sites. Some people think this is too much. I do admit that some visits seem barren, with nothing having happened but it is rare. The 'Forest People or 'Person' or 'Ancient Ones' seems to want to keep the interaction going.

I entered the site and began my observations. Wow! a number of items are noted.

#9. The small, blue ball as a face is missing from the crook of the tree...???

#10. The bear/bee doll has again been removed from the crook it was on and was found face down on the ground between the small tree it was on and the nearest pipe.

#11.  Both the small backpack and tool bag was unzipped, but nothing seemed to be missing from the interior.

#12 and 13. Something (raccoon??) took a dump onto my plastic, zippered map case.

#14. and #15. At pipe #1, both baseballs, #1 and #5, have been removed from the red water meter covers. Ball #1 was found between pipes #1 and #2. Ball # 5 was missing...???

#16. and #17. At pipe #2, ball #2 was moved and turned. Small, blue ball #6, was on the ground behind the pipe down in the leaf ground clutter.

#18. On pipe #3, the softball numbered #4 has been handled and moved. It is slightly off as shown by the number in a different direction. Note the previous report set-up.

#19. and #20. The water meter cover, left side set-up items have been moved around and some of the items are on the ground by the pipe. (yellow tent peg, marble, polished rock) Another rock was missing and I could not locate it. It could be under leaf clutter...???

#21. thru #23. On the right side water meter cover with the 'Wilson' ball, some of the polished rocks have been slightly moved. 2 are on the ground by the pipe. Another 2 rocks are missing. Again, they may be under the leaf ground clutter.

#24. The wood piece which I stacked on the white, arch entry rock last visit, was found on the ground next to the rock.

#25. At the rock circle, the center white rock has been slightly moved.

Starting with photo #26, new set-ups will be noted.

#26. In the storage pip, all bags have been buttoned or zippered tight.

#27. The bear/bee doll has been put back on its limb location and tied down to the limb.

#28. and #29. On pipe #4, the set-up with 'Wilson' and items laid out around is noted.

#30. Also on pipe #4, on the left side of the pipe top, my latest water meter cover setup with items laid out.

#31. Pipe #3 set-up with kettle bell, markers, ball and plastic green item.

#32. and #33. Pipe #2 set-up with 3, red, water meter covers, red paint can, white ball, green ball.

#34. Pipe #1 set-up with 2 red, water meter covers, blue ball, white ball.

#35. At the arch opening, I added a blue painted limb on the white rock and wood piece next to it.

#36. I put up a blue, hanging bag with food items. this was approximately 5'-9" off the ground to the top of the bag opening.

#37. At the rock circle, I moved the blue and red rocks onto the green rocks.

#38. thru # 41. I took the past food gifting buckets and nailed them to the past gifting tree. I took all the balls and relocated from the ground and put into the buckets off the ground. One single, tan bucket, I attached to close by tree. I'm hoping, other balls, I have not found from recent flooding, will be added to the buckets.

#42. Near the pipes, I took some of my 2"x 4" wood studs and laid them out as an arrow, pointing towards the tree with ball buckets.

#43. Water meter covers, I have recently found after flooding in the area of site 1A. I have stored them in the ground pipe next to the storage pipe.

#44. I took Scrabble word pieces and put into position of words.

#45. The storage pipe with my stored items plus Scrabble word pieces on my map case.

#46. Two of the polished rocks which were missing and I found by the pipes.

#47. I added the 2 found polished rocks to the set-up. Note both ends of the metal tent peg.

I left the site approximately 2:05 p.m. Temperature was 85.

This visit was very exciting and satisfying. A number of things having taken place to keep up my interest in the interaction.

This concludes field report #29 for Sunday Oct. 4 2015.

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Related : The Urban Sasquatch Journal: Lots of Changes

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