Selasa, 03 November 2015

The Urban Sasquatch Journal: Flooding and Chaos

This is the reporting by a Bigfoot researcher of an ongoing study in the Southern part of the United States in a very large park area near homes and urban setting.

Prior installments
#1 What is Urban Sasquatch?
#2 "The Original Experiment"
#3 "The Urban Study Begins"
#4 "Signatures and Signs"
#5 "Mixing It Up"
#6 "Neglected and Discouraged"
#7 "Adding Complexities"
#8 "Stunning Interactions"
#9 "Showing My Intent"
#10 "I'm Being Directed"
#11 "New Team Member"
#12 "Working It Vigorously"
#13 "Curious Interactions"
#14 "New Season Begins"
#15 "Answering My Thoughts?"
#16 Trail Cam Sham
#17 Training for Cameras
#18 Weather, Birds and Unexplained Sights
#19 More Preparation For Filming
#20 Revealing the Research Site
#21 Research Considerations
#22 Making Signs
#23 Footprint Found
#24 Testing Animal Versus Sasquatch
#25 Enticing With Food and Curiosity
#26 Amping Up the Exchange
#27 Most Shocking Discovery
#28 Opening Communications
#29 Extended Visit
#30 Pillaged and Moved
#31 Feather Gift
#32 Disarray
#33 Strategies Evolving

Sept 7, 2015 (Labor Day)

Field Visit #27

This report is difficult to write up knowing that all the items on or close to the ground have probably been swept away. Today's date is Friday Sept. 25. This means I have not been to the site in 18 days. I plan on going tomorrow PM. On Thursday the 10th, there was flooding that also effected the area at sites 1A &1B. This has been the 4th flooding of these sites since Sept. 2014. I like to do ground item experiments etc., but during flooding everything on the ground is carried away deeper into the woods. All items have to be relocated and brought back to the site. So today, again I'm not 'a happy camper'. I will have to deal with what I find and probably start over 'again'. The nearby major creek and ditch were at 3' over flood stage on the 10th. The following week I drove to the park and my parking area and parts of the picnic areas were under water. The water in the creek was right under the bridge instead of being many feet below. The nearby soccer fields were also under water. Also, after seeing the flooding this past year, I now know most (maybe not all) trash on both sites are due to this flooding.

So, here goes the report 3 days prior to the sites being flooded. I did take 27 photos. The report will consist of the explanations related to the photos and other comments as they come to mind. There were interesting changes that took place between August 30 and Sept. 7.

This being a holiday, I made an effort to go to the site early. I arrived at the parking area approximately 7:57 a.m.  The temperature was 78. It was clear with no clouds. The temperature eventually reached 95 for the day and partly sunny. After getting my back packing gear together, I hiked over to the site. I entered the area around 8:30 a.m. I did my signature whistling and announcing verbally my entering the area. I walked over to the pipes removed my backpack and noticed changes right away.

#1. and #2. The previous visit, I left the bear/bee doll in the crook of the low tree branch. It is now face down on the ground by a nearby pipe.

#3. and #4. The rocks, marble & yellow tent peg have been re-arranged. Compare with last visits photo.

#5. Last visit I took the blue rock out of the bucket and placed in front of the white rock at the painted rocks circle set up under the tepee limbs. Also the odd limb in the circle was dead center in the circle. It is now angled to the side. the blue rock as been placed next to the white rock.

#6. and #7. At the ground stick figure hunter, the shoulder and head areas sticks and ball have been moved.

#8. At ground sticks glyph #3, the ball had been left in position with the #3 on the ball showing. It has been moved so the number 3 is not seen from above.

#9. Looking at the rock circle from the east side, the center wood piece can be seen again angled in the circle and the blue rock next to the white rock outside the circle.

#10. At ground, stick glyph #2, sticks have been moved.

#11. The final deer corn pile with additional food items. For the near future, I will not be leaving any piles, etc.

#12. and #13. I lowered the hanging food bucket to do an inspection. All food items were still there. I added some items and raised to 7' high.

#14. I placed balls from the garbage can lids at the moved items at the rock circle. This is to acknowledge my awareness of what may have taken place.

#15. I moved the 'Wilson' face ball with a water meter cover to a tree crook. I then place special colored small rocks as a set up for curiosity and possible movement, etc.

#16. A forward photo of the 'Wilson' set up.

#17. Closeup forward photo of the 'Wilson' ball setup.

#18. I added a ball at the ground stick hunter to acknowledge the parts that have been moved.

#19. I put the bear/bee doll back on the tree crook as it was previously.

#20. I re-did the water meter cover set up on the pipe with 2 additional rocks plus the following additional items: 1 nail, the mirror, 5 small, special rocks, quarter, dime, penny.

#21. I moved the white rock back to the 'arch-door' limbs opening.

#22. I moved the smaller blue ball face to the tree with hub cap/nail.

#23. At the tires, I removed the chain from around the small tree. The tires are now chained together as a group, still on the mound to the east. 

#24. thru #26. After leaving the sketchbook and markers out of their covers, I decided it would be better back inside the covers. The dampness freom rains, etc. still gets in the pipe and dampens the pages of the sketchbook.

#27. I painted the 4 water meter covers red and the other piece green and added colored balls to the 4 direction points. This was put out to see if they would be moved.

Tomorrow, I will start removing the dummy cameras.

Ok. As of today, all reports of field visits have been taken care of. The future hold more adventure and mystery. Tomorrow, I will discover if I have to start all over with ground setups plus checking on all setup and stored items within 3' off the ground. My camcorder tripod and poncho may have floated deeper into the woods? All the items I have in the opening of the top pipe may have floated away also? I'll find out tomorrow.

This concludes field report # 27 for Monday Sept. 7 (Labor Day) 2015.

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Related : The Urban Sasquatch Journal: Flooding and Chaos

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