Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

The Urban Sasquatch Journal: After the Floods

This is the reporting by a Bigfoot researcher of an ongoing study in the Southern part of the United States in a very large park area near homes and urban setting.

Prior Installments: 

#1  What is Urban Sasquatch?
#2 "The Original Experiment"
#3 "The Urban Study Begins"
#4 "Signatures and Signs" 
#5  "Mixing It Up"
#6  "Neglected and Discouraged" 
#7  "Adding Complexities"
#8  "Stunning Interactions"
#9  "Showing My Intent"
#10  "I'm Being Directed"
#11  "New Team Member"
#12  "Working It Vigorously"
#13 "Curious Interactions"
#14  "New Season Begins" 
#15 "Answering My Thoughts?"
#16  Trail Cam Sham 
#17 Training for Cameras
#21  Research Considerations
#22  Making Signs
#23  Footprint Found 
#24  Testing Animal Versus Sasquatch
#25  Enticing With Food and Curiosity 
#26  Amping up the Exchange
#27 Opening Communication
#28  Extended Visit
#29  Pillaged and Moved 
#30  Feather Gift
#31  Disarray
#32  Evolving
#32  Flooding and Chaos 

Field Visit #28 
Sunday Sept. 27, 2015

I decided to leave home for the park approximately 8:30 a.m. The sky was overcast and the temperature 76. 

My original plan was to visit the sites on Saturday, but home duties and great college football matchups took precedence. I was sidetracked for the day.

I arrived at the parking area at 8:45 a.m. The temperature dropped to 74 and the sky was overcast. I brought my bike to do my ritual 7+miles trail ride. 

Upon arrival, I typically ride the close trail near the parking area. I then return to my vehicle load my back pack with items needed for the sites then ride the rest of the trail east to west going to the P.R.O.W. first then back to site 1B.

Today, I changed the ride. 

I only brought my binoculars and decided to leave the rest of the gear in the car until after completing the full trail ride first. 

I hit the main trail at 8:50 a.m. I rode to the end of the trail and then headed back to the P.R.O.W. (pipeline-right-of-way). I arrived there at 9:28 a.m. 

The grass was very high and it started to sprinkle. I parked my bike off the trail and took the binoculars to observe the P.R.O.W. to the south for any activity. At times, one can observe deer or hogs on the P.R.O.W. I saw nothing today. I heard lots of birds and the mosquitoes were out in mass. I was there for only minutes when I decided to head back to my vehicle. 

I arrived back at my car approximately 9:45 a.m. I took a short break then at 10 a.m. I left the parking area and my vehicle heading to site 1B. It started sprinkling again. 

At 10:10 a.m. I reached the east side grassy area. Some of the grass was approaching 2 feet in height. 
At 10:15 a.m., I enter site 1B.

I took 49 photos on this visit. I will now report this visit thru the photos.

#1. and #2. The first shows he P.R.O.W to the south, the 2nd to the north. My bike is just off the trail on the south side.

#3. and #4. Both show the grass at nearly 2' high in this specific location. This is the east side grassy area near the ditch.

#5. and #6. I had a specific set-up with the water meter cover and the items seen. You can check the previous visit #27 photo of the same set-up and see what has been re-arranged. The yellow tent peg is on the ground with one of the marbles.

#7 through 11. The area was recently flooded and all the items seen have been moved around by the waters. The flooding seems to have been several feet high in areas.

#12. This signature photo of me had been hanging tied approximately 5' off the ground on one of the painted teepee limbs. It was found on the ground close by the limb.

#13. Painted rock circle still as is. Not moved by the flooding.

#14. Hanging food bucket holding food items. Nothing was taken. approximately 7' high.

#15. through #18. Set-up items(balls, plastic items, water meter covers, painted branches & limbs, etc.) left on the ground have all been relocated by the flooding.

#19. Tires set-up now knocked over. Doubtful that the waters did this. The tires were up on a small mound.

#20. My tripod with poncho is still at the same spot. The waters did not move it?? Hard to believe as light as it is.

#21. One of my sketchbook markers in the leaves by the bucket.

#22. I removed the leaves from around the marker. It has been removed from the zipped markers holder.

#23 and#24. Both photos show the zippered markers holder. the first show on top of zippered map case. The 2nd, in the zippered map case along with the 2 cans of spray paint.

#25. and 26. Here are 2 water meter covers. Both set-ups have the items on them re-arranged.

#27. I re-arranged rock circle.

#28. I lower the hanging food bucket to approximately 5' off the ground.

#29. and #30. I attached one of the former food gifting buckets to the tree used recently for leaving gifted food items. I used this to put in the gathered balls from sites 1A and 1B.

#31. I restacked the tires that were knocked over. They are still on the small mound.

#32. My past painted sticks still in the pile I put them in.

#33. through #41. New set-ups on concrete pipes using painted water meter covers , etc. Using large painted ball as face, marbles, polished, colorful rocks, balls, nails, comb, tent peg, a nail, small hand mirror, and white, painted kettle bell.

#42. I placed tightly the 2 painted balls into the crooks of the 2 trees shown. The bear-bee doll is also on a tree limb at the top right.

#43. I moved the white rock so that it points to the y-branch in front on the arch opening.

#44. I attached the blue hubcap w/ painted tent peg to the arch limb.

#45. I re-attached my signature photo sheet to the arch limb.

#46. Wood piece I have used in the past moved by the flooding.

#47. I restacked the wood piece onto the white rock at the arch opening.

#48. A view of the new set-ups on the concrete pipes.

#49. A view of my entry location into site 1B from the grassy area.

This concludes field report #28 for Sunday Sept. 27, 2015.

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Related : The Urban Sasquatch Journal: After the Floods

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