Selasa, 07 Maret 2017

The Urban Sasquatch Journal: Strange Rearrange

This is the reporting by a Bigfoot researcher of an ongoing study in the Southern part of the United States in a very large park area near homes and urban setting.

Link to the series

Journal Volume 3
Report #46
Saturday November 5, 2016

I arrived at the park around 11AM. The temperature was a pleasant 74 degrees with a slight breeze. There was a totally cloudy sky. I determined to do the 8 miles of bike riding along with making my observations at 1B, biking to the P.R.O.W and making observations there and then possibly hiking the creek and trails off the creek.

I completed the close ride and geared up and left my vehicle at 11:20AM. I arrived just past the trail bridge and headed south on the grassy area east side. I got off my bike and made the following observations:

#1. thru #3. I found on the path going to the 1B entry, what looked like one of my torn open food storage bags used to keep fruit or deer corn in.???? This was fairly close to the entry but on the grassy area.

#4. thru #6. Another interesting find. A single water meter cover approximately half way to the entry, near the east tree line. ???? Was it left for me to find and bring to my interaction spot???? Just another to add to the group I have collected from flooding over the past few years.

#7. Near the old fire pit location, I saw this section of high grass flattened as if lain on.???? Deer, hog?

At 11:37 AM, I entered the treeline entry to 1B. I headed to the pipes. I did my flute notes and mentioned I was now on location by saying my name out loud a few times. I then did my standard 3 tree knocks.

At the pipes the following items noted;

#8. and #9. The water meter cover on pipe #1 was still in place but the earth ball was gone???? The 1/2 pecan shell was still on the cover but moved.???? I could not see the ball in the immediate vicinity. I thought, I would probably stumble across it at some point.

#10. and #11. I saw a ball between pipes #1 and #2, closes to #2 on the ground.???? I can't remember setting this ball out but there is was.

#12. and #13. I did a new set up on pipe#1, I used the water meter cover found in the grassy area earlier. I used the ball I just found. I drew a face on the ball. I added 2 marbles, 2 special small rocks and 8 small sticks.

#14. thru # 17. I found the earth ball approximately 40' SE of pipe #1 on the ground???? On both #14 and #17 - the ball is way to the rear of the photo and barely noticeable.

#18. and #19. I put the earth ball into the small tree crook by the monkey doll, in front of the top storage pipe.

There was a lot of leaf clutter now on the ground thru out the area. I did notice what seemed to be several foot impressions to go along with a lot of hogs action in the area. It was now 12:05 PM and I moved to the deeper set-ups area.

I got to the deeper site and noted the following:

#20. Thru #22. At the food bucket, all items were taken.???? The wrappers, etc. were scattered in the immediate area around the tree to the tree/bushes with tires.???? The large rock and kettle bell was on the ground.????

At this point, I picked all the trash in the immediate area.

#23. Between the rock and kettle bell, I laid out the next food items for the bucket and took this photo.

#24. I put all the food items in the bucket and put the rock and kettle bell on them in the opening.

#25. The blue ball with face was removed from the high tree crook and was on the ground below the tree crook.????

#26. and #27. Looks like the sticks sign may have changed????

#28. The 'wolf-man' mask head has been moved slightly from the previous set-up.???? The hands/arms have not been moved.

#29. I added 'Lil Joe Young' and rock to the sticks sign on the ground for a reaction.

#30. 'Clyde' was removed from the green deer corn bucket and was found on his side on the ground.????

Last visit, I left the green football wrapped in 'Clyde's' arms on his lap while sitting on the bucket.

#31. and #32.----WOW! I walked to the east side of the site approximately 30 yards and found the football.???? The side unpainted was what could be seen. Photo #32 actually looks to the west side of the site.

#33. I was back over by the food bucket and just noticed that the wire handle was back over the top of the bucket.????

#34. I moved the handle back to below the bucket with the cords hanging down.

#35. I hung the green football from a close tree and painted the bare, worn spot on the ball blue.

#36. I put 'Clyde' back on the deer corn bucket. I put deer corn in a large plastic container.

#37. The plastic container with deer corn was left on 'Clyde's' lap with his arms over the container.

#38. I did another ground set-up using a tire, blue ball face and garbage can lid.

#39. and #40. I moved the 'wolf-man' head, arms to the base of the food bucket tree, right under the bucket. Let's see what happens.

I completed the observations and set-ups here. I rode my back on the rest of the trail and was at the P.R.O.W. by 1:40 PM.

#41 and #42. At the major set-up just off the P.R.O.W in the tree, the deer corn, I left in the plastic storage bag, was taken and the storage bag left within the set-up.????

#43. I added this upside down Frisbee to the set-up and left this marble.

#44. thru #54. I went to my deeper spot in the area. Further to the east, in a deeper treeline. The following has taken place: the food left, was taken.???? The wrappers etc. were scattered over the area. The bear doll left was on the ground.???? Items I left in the tree crook was now on the ground. Everything was a mess. The ground glyph was messed with. Drawings sheets untied from were they were hanging and found on the ground as part of the overall scattering of things.

I picked up things and cleaned up the site. I re-set up everything in a good order. Will it remain? We'll see.

I left the P.R.O.W at 2:25 PM. I went back to 1B. Instead of exploring further down the creek, I decided to take a nap at the site. I used my camp chair to sit, relax, take in the natural sounds and snooze awhile. I dozed awhile. I decided to leave at 3:50 PM.

This concludes Field Report #46 for Saturday November 05, 2016.

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Related : The Urban Sasquatch Journal: Strange Rearrange

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