In Latin and Greek literature, they refer to something called the Charon's Obol. This is a coin placed into the mouth of the deceased to...
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Senin, 10 Oktober 2011
Senin, 04 Juni 2012

Zombie Apocalypse: Bath Salts
We've discussed on here a few times just how the zombie apocalypse could occur, but the most reasonable explanation would be the use of ...
Senin, 01 Juli 2013

Man-Beast Week: Drug-Induced Zombies
You can't get more man-beast than zombies - and you can't get more real-life zombie than drug-induced ones. **WARNING--THIS IS GRA...
Rabu, 21 Desember 2016

Ghostly Things: The Haunting Found In Nature
There are ghostly nuances in the nature world that make you do a double-take. Let's have a look at some of these haunting beauties - PL...
Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Lincoln's Ghost
You can’t talk about famous ghosts without mentioning the most beloved one in America; Abraham Lincoln. The haunting of the White House by ...
Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Lincoln's Ghost?
You can’t talk about famous ghosts without mentioning the most beloved one in America; Abraham Lincoln. The haunting of the White House by ...
Senin, 04 April 2016

Best Horror Movies For Each Astrology Sign
Descriptions of signs from this great astrology site Movie descriptions from IMDB ARIES March 21- April 19 Willpower, impulsive, initiative,...
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