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Senin, 31 Agustus 2009
Ghost Broth: Geomagnetic Activity

Ghost Broth: Geomagnetic Activity

I'm considering the concept that the basic stock for a ghost stew is geomagnetic activity. Toss in some good geology, a tragic history, ...
Kamis, 12 November 2009
Riding the Paranormal Highway: Neutrinos?

Riding the Paranormal Highway: Neutrinos?

One thing leads to another with me. I start down one path and end up finding a branch in the road that’s too tempting to follow. In my desir...
Senin, 14 Desember 2009
Geomagnetic Coincidences With World Events?

Geomagnetic Coincidences With World Events?

I keep running across interesting correlations with geomagnetic storm activity and earth events from natural disasters to bombings to UFO si...
Selasa, 06 Juli 2010
Interview: Nathan from Anomalium of Poland

Interview: Nathan from Anomalium of Poland

( * Blogger is being a bitch. If you leave a comment and it isn't shown below--don't worry. I get an email sending me your comment *...
Kamis, 02 April 2009
Geomagnetic Activity and Hauntings

Geomagnetic Activity and Hauntings

A recent article caught my attention because something I’ve always done since I started officially ghost hunting, is to keep a log for the ...
Senin, 04 Januari 2010
Geomagnetic Activity Continued...

Geomagnetic Activity Continued...

I thought I would expand on the earlier post I wrote correlating geomagnetic activity and strange world occurrences by continuing this post:...
Minggu, 06 September 2009
Where Do I Find It Online?

Where Do I Find It Online?

I thought I’d put together a list of links for things you might be looking for or enjoy referring to in the field of the strange and paranor...
Rabu, 09 Juni 2010
Pineal Gland Stimulation: My Experiment

Pineal Gland Stimulation: My Experiment

As I’m researching more and more about ways to induce and contribute to the necessary elements to witness a paranormal activity, I look back...
Minggu, 19 Juli 2009
Geomagnetic Effects on the Human Body

Geomagnetic Effects on the Human Body

Did you know that studies have shown that at times when there is solar activity and resultant geomagnetic activity on Earth, more people und...
Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012
Are Ghosts Real?

Are Ghosts Real?

I know skeptics see belief in ghosts is like the belief in a religion; one has to be indoctrinated and want to believe to see it. I've a...
Kamis, 21 Juni 2012
Is the Pineal Gland the Third Eye?

Is the Pineal Gland the Third Eye?

As I’m researching more and more about ways to induce and contribute to the necessary elements to witness a paranormal activity, I look back...
Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012
When To Get a House Blessing

When To Get a House Blessing

Those who live with paranormal activity in their homes are overwhelmed by the unknown but even more by the unpredictable . One day, it is a...
Rabu, 01 Maret 2017
Electronic Voice Phenomenon: How the Skeptics Got It Wrong (Part 3)

Electronic Voice Phenomenon: How the Skeptics Got It Wrong (Part 3)

**This is a series for Ghost Hunting Theories written by Jim Kelly, the EVP specialist in our Arizona paranormal think tank group.**  ( LINK...
Rabu, 11 Januari 2017
Electronic Voice Phenomenon: How the Skeptics Got It Wrong (Part 1)

Electronic Voice Phenomenon: How the Skeptics Got It Wrong (Part 1)

**This is the beginning of a series for Ghost Hunting Theories written by Jim Kelly, the EVP specialist in our Arizona paranormal think tank...