Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

Newly Released Findings Might Prove Denisovans Were the Ancient Giants!

*A special thanks to Don Monroe, researcher, and MK Davis, researcher and film/video specialist. Don took photos in a museum in Nevada where in the 1970s they had stored some skulls from Lovelock Cave  - the infamous site of the battle between Paiute people and the
red-haired giants. He released those photos to MK Davis to present to the world.* 

Recently released photographs taken by Don Monroe in the 1970s in the basement of a Nevada museum, reveal skull findings taken from the Lovelock Cave, infamous site of Pauite legend of a showdown with the red-haired giants long ago by their ancestors.

I am going to review the photos and the video that MK Davis expertly provides to discuss the skull shape findings. It has been my belief, as I study the mystery of giants, that they were among us quite openly and that means they were one of our archaic humans upon the earth. 

Neanderthal, although he had a somewhat similar skull shape and potential for red hair, was not as big as the reported giants.  However, tooth findings from Denisovans (photo at the top of the post) reveal massive molars. When we look at where Denisovan DNA shows up today, we have a seafaring, advanced culture that we could equate with the "giants." 

Now, let me start breaking this down by subject matter - 

Skull shapes

In this video (below), MK Davis has made an important realization about the shape of the skulls (pentagonal from behind) and their rocker jaws that correlates with the Polynesian people, showing that they had a similar ancestor

What we do know about the Polynesian people/aborigines, is that their skull shape has been a way to differentiate their people from Amerindian people of Asian origin. But, repeatedly skulls have been found in America that show tribes with "otamid" head shapes - these very shapes as the one above. (see this university report I wrote about). 

What we do know is that aborigines and Melanesian people show a skull shape that is distinctive enough to be able to tell origins differ from the Native American people. So, what is that different influence? The Denisovans. 


Photo by Don Monroe, presented by MK Davis

This giant skull (which appears to have a double row of teeth) was found in Lovelock Cave where there was a supposed showdown with the Paiutes' ancestors and death of the red-haired giants. It might fit a scenario that I have been believing all along - the giants were Denisovans - and another theory that you will find in the last line of this post....

I've contemplated the double rows of teeth and believe these "giants" were a cousin of ours. We have deciduous baby teeth that we shed for the larger adult teeth. In their case, I believe their kind had more root to the baby teeth - perhaps relating to childhood diet, and the appearance of adult teeth behind them created a double row. When my son was shedding his baby teeth, his adult teeth showed up behind the baby teeth which co-existed for a while until the baby teeth fell out. In this case, it appears they retained those smaller teeth in front....

Our teeth

One thing I do know is that not all giants were reported to have double rows of teeth, so such a feature is likely from their breeding within their kind and continuing a gene for retaining teeth. If two mated with that gene (like the redheaded gene), they might have a child with that characteristic. They have also been reported with six fingers and six toes which could well be another genetic trait that was carried on in some of the offspring depending on the gene for polydactyly (extra digits).  

There is a report of a village in New Mexico way up on the cliffs, 6000 years old, with people with double rows of teeth. The doctor examining them made some notes, "     “Look at those teeth,” said Dr. Cole, tenderly fondling the skull of the giantess. “She has no incisors, no cutting teeth, in front, as have all the other races of which I have any knowledge. She has grinders all around, and so have the other skulls. That shows they were grain-eaters rather than meat-eaters. The foreheads are high and the shape of the skull shows intelligence, but notice how curiously they are flattened at the back." 

Please note in the photo of the Lovelock skull above that there are no incisors! 

In this scenario, the Denisovans molars (which were found to be extraordinarily big - see picture at the top of this post), show a very large man with a powerful jaw to handle that. 

The very pentagonal shape in the back of the head (see video above) shows that the supporting skull for such a jaw would be shaped with these two points in the back to help anchor the rocking motions of a jaw that the university report (above report link) says was carnivorous. Carnivorous people would be predatory or even cannibalistic, as the Paiutes described them

Oddly, though, the teeth seem like grinders. It is entirely possible that cannibalism was a show of dominance, power and strength when outnumbered by the native people and being of intimidating size they took advantage of that posture. It is also possible that canine teeth were broken off during the eating of bone marrow and gnawing on bones. I broke off one of my own canines as a child, trying to eat fudge that had completely hardened, and broke off another slamming my mouth shut when I was numbed up from dental work. Life has a way of wearing down our teeth. 

What we know is that giants had giant teeth. Denisovans had giant teeth.

World Dominance

At some point, the Denisovans, likely in Siberia or around that region, mated with Homo sapiens tens of thousands of years ago. For the sake of this discussion, let's say 50,000 years ago (we arrived in Europe from Africa around then). Their DNA shows up in Melanesians of the South Pacific, aborigines of Australia and sherpas of Tibet. 

This is where time lines get a bit fishy. Experts say we left Africa around 60,000 to 65,000 years ago, but didn't get to Europe until 50,000 years ago, but simultaneously man shows up in Australia at that time. 

How did man make such a huge geographical jump when his companions were barely trickling into Europe? Perhaps with assistance!

Those hybrid offspring of Denisovans/Homo sapiens were spreading out around the world quite literally, as they showed up in Australia 50,000 years ago.  

The question becomes, did the hybrid offspring join the Denisovans who knew how to make reed boats and traverse waters? Did these offspring settle into the South Pacific lands and the ancestors move on toward the Americas, depositing some of their kind to settle lands and some of the hybrids to help? This would have set up a situation of giants/hybrids living and fighting for resources together in new lands which shows up repeatedly in the native legends. 

Homo sapiens, who were certainly not maritime experts fifty thousand years ago, managed to get to lands that needed serious navigation. Their tour guides were likely an advanced people who were used to these obstacles, having been out and about all of Europe and Asian for more than a hundred thousand years before Homo sapiens, also known as the giants. 

The Denisovans, spread around the world, perhaps bringing some of their hybrid people with them, going all the way into the Americas around 50,000 years ago. 

Their evolution in Eastern Europe occurred ahead of ours because they and Neanderthal were outside of Africa a couple hundred thousand years before us, giving them the chance to travel, adapt to new locations, new challenges, and gaining knowledge before we came out and started to learn the rudimentary skills of a people taking on new lands. 

Their skull size alone shows a high level of intelligence and the use the giants had for metallurgy and maritime navigation, canal systems, heiroglyphs, and astronomy were something Homo sapiens had to learn from the example around the world, creating the acquisition of languages that looked similar all over the globe. This would explain many ancient rock drawings and carvings of script that appears to be from other lands, as the origins of all languages were born from the influence of the Denisovans' written language.

The megalithic structures constructed by the giants were much like what we see when Europeans spread out around the world and commenced to build homes by the techniques they knew. Pyramids and other structures showed up around the world in the tens of thousands of years ago, built by the world travelers, the giants.

The giants headed to Easter Island (the long-earreds that were there when the Rapa Nui arrived), on to Peru, up through the Americas, creating civilizations based on waterways and mining. First order for them would have been, seaworthy vehicles, procuring food, digging canals and wells for fresh water, laying down stones structures where they settled, metallurgy for parts, and astronomy to circumnavigate the globe.

In North America, we have found races of natives who had the otamid head shape and tall lean bodies that make them different. Were these, once again, the Denisovans/Homo sapiens hybrids of yet another continent settled by Denisovans when they arrived?Well, these otamid head shapes seem to show up along the coastlines, first landing points. So, tribes such as the Karankawa and Baja Indians who were obviously "other" were likely part of this Denisovans and hybrids global population. 

The Denisovans were the original inhabits of the Americas, having built a mound culture, worked on metallurgy, having heiroglyphs and other technologies that arriving Amerindians in the 11,000 years ago window came across and had fights, learned things from the Denisovans, took over some of their areas as they fought the cannibals and drove them off (repeatedly  told in Native legends). The Paiutes told of these giants being hair covered. 

Stranded Cultures 


Around 50,000 years ago, man arrived and settled in Australia. The odd thing about this is that recent studies show the aborigines bred in isolation tens of thousands of years. They acted, not as a seafaring people who found land and moved on to other lands, but as a people who were deposited there. They were not focused on seafaring at all, although later became interested in simple dugout canoe construction. And, upon occasion, a blond-haired child arrived among them. This has never really been understood as to its origins. We can make an assumption that, with Denisovans DNA might also come blonde recessive hair genes. 

Canary Islands, Guanches

In the 1400s, when the Spanish arrived in the Canary Islands to find the native Guanches people, they discovered tall people with blond hair among them and something else odd - they seemed to not have boats or know how to get to other islands. They acted as if they had been stranded there. 

The aborigines, Solomon Islanders, Melanesians have two things in common - occasional blond hair popping up and Denisovans DNA.  

Of body hair and men

Native people of Asian origins generally have difficulty growing body hair and facial hair and have straight dark hair. In the case of aborigines and Melanesian people, we find curly, wavy, thick hair, body hair, and facial hair. Where did this come from? Were Denisovans hairy, wavy, thick haired, and blonde? 

This gets even more interesting when you consider that a single Spanish family in the Canary Islands in the 1500s (following the Spanish men mating with the Guanches women) brought a new gene into the population, the gene for hypertrichosis ("Wolf Man Syndrome"). Where did this hairy gene come from? 

Only Homo sapiens remain or not??? 

Now, we have reports from around the world of giant skeletons found, of natives telling legends of their bad encounters with these giants. If over 50,000 years ago, Denisovans took to the seas with Homo sapiens and breeding occurred, they left some off on each land they came to, along with some of their own kind. They moved on to other lands and other lands until they reached South America and upward to North America. Generations built civilizations where they landed, but some moved on to conquer new lands and resources. This was not an overnight trek. 

All of these lands had giant skeletons found, had legends of fights and killing as the native people bred and grew in population. In fact, the Karankawa and Baja Indians all went extinct after connection with our kind and diseases and killing, as did the Guanches and Yaghans. The only proof we have of them being here are the odd-shaped skulls called "otamid" that confound the anthropologists and archaeologists trying to figure out why these native people were so different....

I will take this one step further - these lands where giants were found around the world, natives fought them and drove them off. Today, these lands have tall hairy beings in seclusion reported from Australia and China to Siberia and North America.

Giant skeletons, giant hairy hidden people....

More info:
Blog (MK Davis)
YouTube (MK Davis)

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Related : Newly Released Findings Might Prove Denisovans Were the Ancient Giants!

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