Rabu, 13 Januari 2016

The California Reptoids' Tunnels

From 1934, G. Warren Shufelt reported to the Los Angeles Times that he had discovered a series of caverns under LA that houses Reptoid people in ancient times.  Reportedly, 5000 years ago a huge "tongue of fire" obliterated the Southwest and these people were forced to go underground. Reportedly, they had made tunnels in an upper and lower grid. The lower grid allowed sea water to rush through and force clean air into the upper level. There were rooms that were like "high rises" underground where they stored herbage for food.

Supposedly, according to Shufelt, some tunnels ran 20 miles under Santa Monica Bay and were used for ventilation.

For a comprehensive writing about this intriguing story, go here.  Here's a short clip from the info there;

"The "Lizard People" of Los Angeles survived the meteor shower, but were killed by natural gas leaking into their bunkers. Shufelt believed that they had built 13 such underground facilities in different areas for such a purpose. One was located in the eastern section of Arizona in a small town called Springerville and was only discovered recently. 

Another was located under a hill which was surrounded by a curving ridge of mountains like the middle of a horse's hoof. This is exactly the type of terrain seen in downtown L.A. in the area that is now the Board of Education, which is built over the ruins of the old Willis Estate on top of Fort Moore hill. Shufelt and his partner Chief Little Green Leaf were both convinced that the ancient legends and the readings from Shufelt's mystery machine were true.

They decided to obtain a permit to sink a shaft down into the ruins of the subterranean city. They located a vacant lot at 518 North Hill Street, directly above one of the largest rooms. On 21st February 1933, the County Board of Supervisors approved a contract with Rex McCreary, Warren Shufelt and Ray Martin to search for buried treasure there.

The permittees were to bear all expenses, to leave the property in its original condition, and to share 50% of all discoveries and treasure with the city of L.A.

The county originally only allowed them to dig up to depths of 50 feet for fear of cave-ins. On 27th March 1933 they requested additional time and depths on their permit, believing that the labyrinth of tunnels was at least 1,900 feet in length, with rooms containing 9,000 square feet which contained valuable gold treasure in at least 16 places.

On 10th April 1933 the contract was renewed. By the end of November in 1933, the main shaft was at a depth of 200 feet. Shufelt was determined to drill to a depth of 1,000 feet if necessary. On 29th January 1934, the first stories regarding the legend of the "Lost Land of the Lizard People" made the L.A. newspapers. By this time, one of the five shafts was already 250 feet deep

According to the legend and the radio surveys, the underground city was laid out in the shape of a lizard, with its tail under the Main Library at Fifth and Hope, and the body extending Northeast, with the head being at Lookout and Marda near North Broadway. The key room to the city was located under Second and South Broadway.

The legends state that the key room is the directory to the rest of the city, and to the historical gold record tablets. These gold tablets were slabs of gold, 4 feet long and 14 inches wide.

The tablets were believed to contain the records of the origins of the human race, and the history of modern man in the Americas, including details regarding the history of the mysterious Mayan people. Shufelt's radio-wave machine mapped the rooms and tunnels as subsurface voids, with the gold slabs as dark areas, showing perfect geometric angles.

The rooms, seven of which occurred within an area of six square city blocks, varied in size from 23' x 23' to 34' x 42'. The room below the first shaft was 31' x 42', and the key room was the smallest. Water had seeped into some of the tunnels, and several of the rooms including the largest were flooded. Shufelt was prepared to use divers to explore the submerged areas when they finally broke into the subterranean city."

Interestingly, in his account, Shufelt reported the tunnels appeared to be burned out by some kind of chemical process or such. But, caves reported in California associated with "reptoid" beings are often reported as glazed on the walls.

Mt. Lassen in California is said to be one such location with the "glazed" tunnels. In fact, some men in the 1940s said they explored the tunnels way up high on the sides of the mountain and were dispatched by some officials they said were under the mind control of beings inside.

Many locations in California have legends of tunnels with strange beings, government and alien experiments, and caches of gold. How many such tunnels could still exist, given the tectonic activity in the state? 

Would a strange race of lizard-looking people build a civilization underground? 

Well, the theme is repeated. The Grand Canyon (newspaper - 1909 Phoenix Gazette) had been the site of a reported race of giants who moved into a cavern to weather out a cataclysmic event, taking with them seeds and animals of their culture. The Hopi people in the area had legends of ant people under ground who helped their people survive. 

Then, in Death Valley, there were reports of caverns inside the Panamint Range that housed relics and gold, and giant mummies of a culture that was hiding out in there (book - Death Valley Men). 

Was there a horrendous event long ago that drove cultures underground? And what might those culture have been like if they were original cultures of the Americas? Perhaps having evolved far away from the rest of us "modern" people? 

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