Minggu, 23 November 2014

Key Features Of Ancient Giant Culture Revealed!

There are key characteristics consistently found that show a jump in local Native technology or the Natives themselves report were not part of their culture (such as mining in Wisconsin and ear spools on Easter Island). Latter generations of Natives might have adopted practices from the giants, like forming their babies heads to be pointed, ear spools, and of metals. But, what can we attribute to being significant to giants' culture? 

I am going to list some of the characteristics that show evidence of ancient giant culture or whom I like to call "Homo clivus frons" or the "Originators." 

Ear Spools
Canals and Wells
Skull Shapes
Caves With Cannabalized Bones
Megalithic Structures/Symbols

Ear Spools

On finds in Coastal Texas where the Karankawa Indians lived, ear spools have been found. The use of ear spools is significant because these Indians had skulls reported by archaeologists as being "otamid" type (archaic is how they once referred to it, like Neanderthal, but now that Neanderthal has been found to have evolved outside of Homo sapiens and has his own evolutionary characteristics, the term "archaic" is no longer accurate, as that is only in reference to - if they were a Homo sapiens). It's possible they either were influenced by or even interbred with the giants. 

Ear spools were also reported by the residents of Easter Island who called the people they warred with on the island, "the long-earreds." 

"No ear plugs have been found in levels earlier than those of the Sedentary period, but they are shown on Pioneer figurines and it seems reasonable to suppose that they may been worn at that time." (page 124, Prehistoric Indians of the Southwest by HM Wormington)

Interestingly, these Southwestern Natives were making art showing ear spools on the figures, but they themselves did not have any at their living sites. It would be more accurate to assume that they were making art capturing the "others" they coexisted with. I will take a wild stab in the dark, any of the art would have a nose attached at the brow instead of between the eyes level (giant characteristic).  

Canals and Wells

These water-loving people knew how to build wells and canals. In fact, there is a fantastic report from Native people of Peru who reported about the landing upon their lands long ago of horrible giants who built wells and lined them with some interesting substance to make them stronger. In fact, these wells had been found with the interesting lining in them! Once again, an example of Native people accurately accounting for their history.

From Peru Natives

"As there is in Peru a story of some giants who landed on the coast at the point of Santa Elena, in the vicinity of the city of Puerto Viejo, I have resolved to mention what I was told about them, as I understood it, without taking into account the opinions of the common people and their various anecdotes, for they usually magnify events larger than life. The natives, repeating a story received from their forefathers from very remote times, say that there came from across the sea on reed rafts that were as large as big ships some men that were so big that an ordinary man of good size scarcely reached up to their knees: their members were in proportion to the size of their bodies, and it a monstrous thing to see their enormous heads and their hair hanging down about their shoulders. Their eyes were as large as small plates. They say they had no beards and that some of them were clad in the skins of animals, and others only in the dress nature gave them. There were no women with them. On reaching this point, they set up their camp like a village (and even in these times there is a memory of the site of their houses). As they found no supply of water they remedied the lack by making some very deep wells, a labor certainly worthy of record, being undertaken by such strong men as these must have been, to judge by their size. They dug these wells in the living rock until they came to the water, and afterwards they built the wells in stone from the water line upwards so that they would last for ages. In these wells the water is excellent and it is always so cold that it is very pleasant to drink.

When these great men or giants had thus made their settlement and dug these wells or cisterns, they destroyed and ate all the supplies they could find in the neighborhood. It is said that one of them ate more than fifty of the natives of the land; and as the supply of food was not sufficient for them to maintain themselves, they caught much fish with nets and gear that they had. They lived in continuous hostility with the natives, because they slew the latter's women in order to have them, and they also slew the men for other reasons. But the Indians were not numerous enough to kill these newcomers who occupied their land and lorded it over them; and although they held great discussions about this, they never dared attack them.

After some years the giants were still in this region, and as they had no women of their own and the Indian women of the neighborhood were too small for them, or else because the vice was habitual to them and inspired by the demon, they practised the unspeakable and horrible sin of sodomy, committing it openly and in public without fear of God or personal shame. The natives say that our Lord God, unwilling to conceal so wicked a sin, sent them a punishment suited to the beastliness of the crime, and when all the giants were together engaged in this accursed practice there came a fearful fire from heaven to the accompaniment of a great noise, in the midst of which a shining angel appeared holding a sharp, bright sword with which he slew them all at a single stroke, and the fire consumed them leaving only a few bones and skulls, which God allowed to remain unconsumed as a token of the punishment. This is the account they give of the giants, and we believe that it happened, for it is said that very large bones have been found and still are found thereabouts and I have heard Spaniards say they have seen pieces of teeth which they thought must have weighed half a pound when whole, and who had also seen a piece of a shin-bone of wonderful size, all of which bears witness to the truth of the incident. In addition to this one can see the places where the sites of their villages were, and also the wells or cisterns they made. I cannot state whence or how these giants came there.

In the present year of 1550 when in the city of Lima, I heard that when his excellency Don Antonio de Mendoza was viceroy and governor of New Spain, certain bones of men as big as these giants, and even bigger, were found there. I have heard too that in an ancient sepulcher in the city of Mexico or somewhere else in that kingdom certain bones of giants have been found. Since so many people saw them and attest having done so, it can therefore be credited that such giants did exist and indeed they may all have been of the same race.

At this point of Santa Elena, which is as I have said on the coast of Peru and in the district of the city of Puerto Viejo, there is a remarkable phenomenon: the existence of certain wells or seams of pitch of such excellent quality that it would be possible to tar all the ships one wished with it, since it flows from the earth. This pitch must be from some seam passing through that place: it comes out very hot,etc.

Thus far Pedro de Cieza, whose history we have followed to show the Indian tradition about the giants, and the well of pitch at the same place, for it too is remarkable."
(From the Royal Commentaries of the Incas, volume I, chapter XI)


In the Southern Ural Mountains in Russia in the 1980s, scientists discovered what became dubbed as the Russian Stonehenge, Arkaim. It dates to 17th Century BC to 20th Century BC and was used and then abandoned 200 years later.

"The Russian team’s explorations showed that Arkaim enjoyed an advanced technology for its time. It was equipped with a drainage gutter and storm sewage system and had actually been protected from fire: the timbered flooring of the houses and the houses themselves were imbued with a fireproof substance (look at the Peruvian Well story above) – a strong compound the remnants of which can still be found in the ruins. Each house gave onto an inner ring road paved with wooden blocks; and in each house there was a hearth, a well, cellars, an oven and provision for a cooled food storage system. The oven was such that it may have been possible to smelt bronze in it, as well as to fire pottery." (New Dawn Magazine) 

Arizona water canals -

(HoHoKam ancient canals) "The whole projection is really amazing when one considers the tremendous amount of work which went into the construction and maintenance of the canals. The latter must have required almost as much effort as the original excavating, for silk, was constantly being deposited. Canals were up to thirty feet wide and ten feet deep and in the Salt River Valley, they have been found to have an aggregate length of 150 miles. It staggers the imagination when one stops to think that this tremendous engineering feat was carried out with only the crudest of stone and wooden tools." (page 125, Prehisotric Indians of the Southwest by HM Wormington).


Mound builder sites showed adornment with shells and even the use of conch shells from the Gulf (in the Ohio Valley area) showing either trading or the use of the Mississippi to come up and down to gather things they found precious. Interestingly, 


Casa Grande Ruins, AZ:  It is believed that the Casa Grande functioned partly as an astronomical observatory since the four walls face the points of the compass, and some of the windows are aligned to the positions of the sun and moon at specific times.

These ruins were discovered hundreds of years ago and by then, it had been abandoned for many many hundreds of years. All one could do was suppose that this building with certain alignment was done by a Native people who were just starting to hit their stride on how to farm the land. The people of the time had no reason to think anyone else but Natives had done it. Astronomical sites have been found around the globe from ancient cultures that are out of place/out of time for the local Native citizens that archaeologists recognize for that region.


Copper mining with enormous tools by people who were not local are reported everywhere from Wales (Great Orme - above) to Wisconsin. In fact, the hammers found in the Welsh mines were of enormous weight and size, much much too great for any regular man to wield. The areas of copper mining in the US have also produced the bones of giants nearby. In fact, copper was found extensively in their burial mounds.

Skull Shapes

The skull shape is the definitive way to tell the giant culture. These people had skulls that possessed an os inca or interparietal bones (created a pointed backside). They also had massive jaws that were very powerful and showed signs of being carnivorous which would make them inherently predatory like any other stalking meat eater, such as lions.  Learn more on my post about the slope-headed ones. 


They key here is that out of place/out of time (OOPArt) items that are discovered can confound and confuse the scientists. They think they know the time line of man and then they find something that doesn't jive with what they know of the Native people of Earth. 

"The Cochise culture has been customarily divided into three developmental periods. The earliest stage, Sulphur Spring, dates from 6000 or 7000 bc to about 4000 bc and is characterized by milling stones for grinding wild seeds and by various scrapers, but no knives, blades, or projectile points, although the remains of food animals, both extinct and modern, indicate that some hunting was done. During the second stage, Chiricahua, lasting from 4000 to perhaps 500 bc, the appearance of projectile points would seem to indicate an increased interest in hunting, and the remains of a primitive form of maize suggest the beginnings of farming; food-gathering was still important, however." (Britannica)

However - 

A large variety of prehistoric arrowheads, dart points, and spear points have been discovered. Flint, obsidian, quartz and many other rocks and minerals were commonly used to make points in North America. The oldest projectile points found in North America were long thought to date from about 13,000 years ago, during the Paleo-Indian period, however recent evidence suggests that North American projectile points may date to as old as 15,500 years. (Wikipedia)

The Clovis culture is a prehistoric Paleo-Indian culture, named after distinct stone tools found at sites near Clovis, New Mexico, in the 1920s and 1930s. The Clovis culture appears around 11,500–11,000 uncal RCYBP (uncalibrated radiocarbon years before present), at the end of the last glacial period, characterized by the manufacture of "Clovis points" and distinctive bone and ivory tools. Archaeologists' most precise determinations at present suggest that this radiocarbon age is equal to roughly 13,200 to 12,900 calendar years ago. Clovis people are considered to be the ancestors of most of the indigenous cultures of the Americas. (Wikipedia)

"Clovis points were made for three or four centuries, then disappeared. So did the culture that created them. As Clovis people settled into different ecological zones, the culture split into separate groups, each adapting to its own separate environment. The end of Clovis marked the beginning of the enormous social, cultural and linguistic diversity that characterized the next 10,000 years. Of the brief florescence of Clovis, only the tools, notably the points, remained—the last physical traces of America’s first and most extensive cultural imperium." (Smithsonian)

Another interesting key feature - cultures that go missing, such as Sinagua, HoHoKam, Anasazi, Clovis....

These discrepancies about the ancient culture of America show that technology was out of time/out of place from previously thought and they try to fit it onto the primitive newcomers to the Americas who were not even mastering agriculture yet. As you see, they report that the Cochise 6000 to 8000 years ago had no projectile points, but appeared to be hunting and yet the NM Natives supposedly had projectile points over 10,000 years ago. Archaeology has had a hard time fitting in Native cultures around the world with the technology they seemed to show that was ahead of evolutionary curve (it was, that is, for Homo sapiens). Even some tribes report that their people took over abandoned sites of the "ancient" (missing) tribes. 

Caves with cannibalized bones

Near the giant Piasa Bird mural in Illinois, a cave was reported to be filled with bones of the victims of the "giant bird."

The Paiute Tribe has historical accounts of red-haired giants who were cannibalistic and were killing and eating their people, even digging up the newly dead to eat!

The Aborigines told of a giant of the past who ate people and had to be killed.

Easter Island and other caves around the world were found to have bones of cannibalized people, even in the Anasazi Pueblo culture of the Southwest, there were cannibalized bones found.

Researchers might like to take a very straight line to what told to them in school, "surely these people had hard weather, hard times, and ate their own."

Technologies that were out of place for what we knew of Native People at that time included canal systems, advanced weapons, fireproof and waterproof substances, mining, and astronomy. None of these made sense to Homo sapiens just trying to master farming at the time.

Megalithic Structures/Symbols

Everything from megalithic structures too complex for ancient man to writing and drawings that appear "Egyptian" or "Chinese" are all signs that the ancient race influenced the development of stone building and even written language around the world. 

If we find symbols out of continent, it might be we are seeing the ancients' characters, not signs that Chinese or Egyptians were visiting the Americas thousands of years ago, but that their languages took on symbols of giants they encountered. Languages around the world were influenced by these first occupiers. 

The spiral shape used by so many Native people around the entire globe shows an influence that doesn't have to mean they literally were sailing around the world picking up other cultures' languages, but that they were encountering the giants whose language they used as their very first understanding of symbols.


It would appear that much of what we either try to fit into ancient societies that is out of place for their level of experience and knowledge or attribute to ancient alien visitors has a much easier, less convoluted explanation - there were other variations of man upon the earth, before us Homo sapiens. Dividing out what was actually our own knowledge and knowledge we cobbled together from the "gods" upon the earth, is the hardest task, but an examination of lesser impressive megalithic structures and projectiles can probably give us clues as to what Native people around the world were imitating and perhaps even learning under the guidance of these predecessors. 


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