Minggu, 30 November 2014

Aliens Were Terrestrial - Here's How!

Betty Crocker. This facial brand has had many different appearances over time, depending on the roles of women and what is considered a trustworthy female to learn next generation cooking from. They are all Betty, but they are adaptations for their times.

"Prior People"

This is a term I plan to use for describing all the potential human (sentient/intelligent) beings that have been upon the earth throughout time. We have had all the genes necessary, but we have adapted those genes depending on the conditions of the Earth. 

In other words, the Earth decided our path as a human form and it created many forms over eons. 

What this says is that, there may be no visitors from other planets, but here upon our own planet humans have formed many many times, adapting to the variations of Earth conditions that existed in that particular epoch. 

In the beginning, perhaps it was the "greys" (a billion years ago), Reptoids (millions of years ago). What we are running into now that we call "alien" might just be encountering beings who perhaps still live in hidden places within our planet, or defy time and space/parallel realm to make periodic "visits."  

So, why would prior humans be shaped like reptoids and greys if they evolved here with the same genes we possess and are human? Well, let's see what a small shift in genes can do. 

Perhaps 250,000,000 years ago - 


With a different gas makeup on the planet, the need for large expansive lungs for oxygen assimilation would not be necessary and exchange of gases could have been done through a tough but porous skin that also could handle heat exchange. Enormous eyes might have been a necessary component in a world that was dark, perhaps because of cloudy layering of gases that kept sunlight from penetrating. Even nutrients might have been so dense in plant life, that powerful predatory jaws were not necessary. The size of the head could be involved with supporting the skin's gas exchange and the vision center. It is entirely possible, however, that they did not develop any vocal chords and so the brain was utilized to send messages without the need for sound. The mouth did not appear necessary for speech and encounters with greys have involved them not needing to speak, and they appear to have no ears, these two adaptations would mean they lived in a world with no or very little oxygen to send sound waves. Without the need to hear and speak, the development of the mind to "mind speak" would be necessary in their evolutionary process. 

Perhaps 100,000,000 ago - 


(Harlequin-type icythyosis)

Imagine other species of man that had been on the Earth through the wet and tropical period with dinosaurs? What might their skin have developed to be? Likely it adapted strong to fend off attacks from predatory creatures, able to handle a constantly warm, wet terrarium-like climate (REPTOIDS).

There have been numerous reports of people encountering Reptoids and these are associated a great deal with caverns/caves and seen in areas near caves. Is such an "alien" possible and is it possible this alien is not from another planet, but from our own planet in a much earlier time?  Is this representative of a humamoid adapted to an earth with a different makeup? 

We would have to go back millions of years ago to find the ideal time on the planet for a reptoid to be an evolutionary adaptation.  

GENE ABCA12: Mutations in the ABCA12 gene cause harlequin ichthyosis. The ABCA12 gene provides instructions for making a protein that is essential for the normal development of skin cells. This protein plays a major role in the transport of fats (lipids) in the outermost layer of skin (the epidermis). Some mutations in the ABCA12 gene prevent the cell from making any ABCA12 protein. Other mutations lead to the production of an abnormally small version of the protein that cannot transport lipids properly. A loss of functional ABCA12 protein disrupts the normal development of the epidermis, resulting in the hard, thick scales characteristic of harlequin ichthyosis.
Harlequin-type Ichythyosis. It's a real condition that is extremely rare, but one shift in genes and - you have the appearance people report in reptoid encounters. Technically, if we take reports of Reptoids in our cave system seriously, they can be absolutely human, but with one gene alteration. 

This genetic disorder (in relation to Homo sapiens normal genetic alignment) makes for large very very hard patches of skin that pull so tight, they crack and around the eyes, they literally pull the eyes inside out. 

The skin normally forms a protective barrier between the body and its surrounding environment. The skin abnormalities associated with harlequin ichthyosis disrupt this barrier, making it more difficult for affected infants to control water loss, regulate their body temperature, and fight infections. Infants with harlequin ichthyosis often experience an excessive loss of fluids (dehydration) and develop life-threatening infections in the first few weeks of life. It used to be very rare for affected infants to survive the newborn period. However, with intensive medical support and improved treatment, people with this disorder now have a better chance of living into childhood and adolescence. (source)

Whereas this child with the gene defect may find it hard to survive on the Earth at the present time, there were times in the past where this gene alteration may have been beneficial. 

For our own Homo sapiens adaptation, this genetic shift is out of time/out of place (OOPART). We hear that term a lot in archaeology. Let's start paying heed to when it's used. It is a key term that is very likely showing us a window to other forms of man upon the earth over time.

I find this very interesting what such scaly skin would mean to a human organism. We were genetically adapted to have a nice coating of skin that is even, pliable, and able to insulate us, but what if you were a human with a genetic adaptation to exist on a different type of Earth?  Well, controlling temperature and excessive water loss with scaly skin would mean that you needed to be protected from excessive temperatures and needed to be in a dark moist environment. If you were still were sneaking around the Earth today, where would you live to meet those requirements? Caves! 

What of other beings that might have existed on this earth? 

Perhaps hundreds of thousands of years ago - 


Scientists have admitted that Neanderthal did not launch from Homo sapiens, but had his own evolutionary process, as did likely the Denisovans and any other human forms we have not yet acknowledge or discovered (remember, Denisovans weren't even known of until the tooth and bone finds in a cave in 2010 in Russia). 

We know Neanderthal was compact and very powerful, but then he also lived in a colder climate and among huge animals like Mastadons and Mammoths. His need for meat-eating powerful jaws and ability to be powerful and strong would be critical to him surviving that epoch upon the earth.

When I hear archaeologists terming skull shapes as "otamid" and "archaic" like Neanderthal, they are using it in the wrong context; that context being comparing everything to Homo sapiens. This is not archaic in terms of their evolutionary time; they are "ideal" in terms of that form of man's evolution at that time, in that place.

Neanderthal developed in a time period where those features were necessary, as likely the ancient giants were in the same time period. This has led me upon occasion to postulate that ancient giants were hybrids of female Neanderthal and male Denisovan. If Denisovans got their height from Heidelbergensis, then it could be that, like ligers, hybrids between these two forms of man would have produced an enormous exaggerated giant with Neanderthal's red hair and Denisovan's height x2. 

We have Denisovan genes showing up in South Pacific Islanders and Aborigine cultures and Neanderthal mated with Homo sapiens in European and Asian culture. There was a window of time they could mate with our kind and with each other.

This goes along with the course the giants took from Asia to the South Pacific and then across to Peru and up to America. Perhaps the last potential matings of Neanderthal and Homo sapiens was tens of thousands of years ago and it would have been that same window that mating with Denisovans and Neanderthal ended, as well. Thus, the last populations with their DNA were in that South Pacific journey time period.

This window closing for mating for a world-traveling people also likely meant the rise and fall of the giant culture - as they were now unable to produce offspring outside of their own hybridized kind - not with Neanderthal, Denisovan or Homo sapiens. With them scattered around the earth, there were less opportunities to build populations. 


Just because there are house cats, lynxes, leopards, tigers, and lions, we don't freak out that there are such different cat forms on the Earth. We cannot say these are different races of the cat family, as a house cat and a lion are not going to reproduce. They evolved separately in their own directions.

The same can be said for man. We have been extremely egotistical about there being only one sentient intelligent form upon the Earth as if it happened by some Divine alchemy, but the fact is there were other men. We have named many kinds of them in the fossil record and some that we are strangely afraid to recognize because they don't fit our understanding of evolution.

I propose that there have been many intelligent men upon the Earth, and some of them exceedingly more long-living than us and adaptive to their times, with the same genes, only slight variances that allowed them to survive better. A reptoid might need an extreme immune system and a damp environment to survive scaled skin, but scaled skin is possible on human form according to that ABCA12 gene. We have taken these genes, shifted them to adapt to wherever and whatever we are encountering. Even the primates who have such very similar gene content to us humans have shifts that make their life in the forests more viable for them.

We have the genes. It's how they adapt to our Earth at the time we are here that says what form of human we have.

Now, the bigger questions are, why reuse these genes in sentient/intelligent beings for each epoch? And, where do these other humans go when they leave here (extinct or something else?) Why do we sometimes encounter them today in unusual circumstances, such as visits from alien greys and reptoids?

More on that later, no doubt! 

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