Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

Inappropriate Kid's Halloween Costumes

Ah, the joys of the coming season; the anticipation of hot cider, candy corn, carving pumpkins and all your little ones dressed up as sluts and slashers....

Michael Myers For your future serial killer in training.

Tween Pirate? ARRRGH! Pirate? I think not, but perhaps Pirate pedophile bootie. 

Kiss star. Comes complete with a stint in rehab and herpes.

Girl Devil. Why do I get the feeling that if she continues on this path and a little anorexia, she will be reusing this costume at a frat party in 8 years?

 Shock treatment patient  Apparently the lobotomy patient costume was sold out this year.

Tween Pilot  If this is the pilot costume for a 10-12 year old girl, what do the flight attendants wear?

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