Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

The Funny Part of Bigfoot Hunting

(Our Jack Links Sasquatch!)

I'm back from the Bigfoot hunt and have much to report about it. Tomorrow, I will cover the actual hunt, but for today, I'm just sharing the funny stuff as I sort through the rest. You didn't think I'd go on a hunt without some antics, did you?

As I left for the trip, Dale had been acting up the night before and I think he sensed I was leaving without him. So, I thought I'd put him in his place. This October is all about me turning the tables on the booger. Here is how he was doing as I left the apartment--

At a mountain overlook above Sedona, AZ, I found this interesting sign. It made me wonder what incident occurred that made them put these two warnings together--

BF got video proof that humans exist--

A team member tries a BF call --

Years of drought left most the lake empty. So, one team member goes to check it out and I, well, pester him--

You knew I couldn't go somewhere and not run into weirdness (I mean other weirdness, not self-perpetuated). This was no exception. Our cabin was blissfully peaceful the first night, but the second night, a western cowboy wedding occurred, a motorcycle gang hit the town, a vintage Porsche club, a poker tournament, deer hunters began their season and us Bigfoot hunters were perhaps the most normal thing around. We sat on the back porch and smelled the neighbors smoking hash. Oh, and during the night when the bar across the street started up with the whooping and hollering of the local men, we came to realize the sounds were coming from the petting zoo behind the bar. No, we didn't ask why. We didn't want to know. We just tightened our sphincters and didn't ask questions, but images of "squeal like a pig" came to mind.

Got back to the car and Bigfoot left a message "Human Go Home"--

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