Kamis, 08 September 2011

Going on a Bigfoot Hunt!

Do you think I do anything normal when I have time off? Since time off is precious and rare for me, I take full advantage of it and do something insane so the rest of the boring time I'm typing medical reports or writing books, I can daydream about the fun and goofy things I've done. Life is really just about experiences. I'm tired of saying I want to hunt BF and now I'm going to finally do it! I hope this is the beginning of something big. I really want to move to Oregon and if I do some day, no one will ever see me again, I'll be in the woods getting into, well, mischief.

So, the end of this month, my POE team and I are going on a BF hunt up in Northern AZ. Yes, he's been seen up in that 8000 foot area with thick forests. We can try out our skills and perhaps some day plan a trip to extreme Northern CA, Oregon or Washington.

I have some absolutely ridiculous videos planned to share with you and some photo shoots of Autumnforest in a, well, autumn forest.

The nights are in the 30s there at that time of the year. It will be burr cold, but I will be all enthralled. I haven't seen autumn colors since 2005! I can hardly wait. We have a FLIR thermal imager, plaster of paris, a very well trained tracker on the team, and plenty of imaging equipment.

If anyone has any ideas for things we should try, please share. Each month, expect me to do something insanely weird and share it with y'all. Hey, it's my favorite thing in the world--to keep people a little unsure of my next move. This time of year around this blog, it pays to remain edgy, folks. You're going to fucking love my posts for October!

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