Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

My Alien Encounter???

In all my times of recounting stories of the encounters with the paranormal that I've had and the few UFO sightings, I've hesitated to share something that confuses me to this day and shakes the very foundation of my logical Virgo side and my fairly impressive IQ level--alien grays.

About 15 years ago, I sought out a hypnotherapist. The hypontherapist took me through regression perhaps six or seven times. It's an interesting process in which one has no sense of time. When I would come out of it, she would ask me how long I'd been under and I'd say, "15 minutes?" She's turn to the clock and 2 hours had passed! If a phone would ring, I would hear the sound, but in no way would my mind say, "that's a telephone, who's going to answer it?" In regression, I wandered around my elementary school and my home and yard from my childhood with amazing clarity.

At one point, however, she had me go back in my childhood years and to my bedroom. I had forgotten that around the ages of 5 or 6 I had this one bedroom on the end. She told me to look around the room and I did. I turned over in bed and saw between the bed and the wall, perhaps 6 feet away an alien gray, classically so. Except, he had some sort of decorative dark piece on his forehead of dark stones and it looked rather like it was attached to his forehead, but meant as some sort of sign of importance. Behind him on either side were tall slender beings. I had a sense of them, but didn't ever look up at them, but they felt like bodyguards of a sort.

I couldn't stop staring at the alien. I had absolutely no fear at all, but I seemed to know his intentions as if I could read him without words. I had a sense he was saying goodbye and I wouldn't see him again. I also got a strong sense from him that I was some sort of prodigy or student, someone rather unusual and rare. I felt something inside me brace because I also felt he was letting me know that I would have many trials ahead of me and a lot of sadness, but I also felt that he knew I was going to rise above it. His belief in me was humbling and I knew that I was very honored to be in his presence. I didn't recall how he left or how it ended.

The hypnotherapist didn't ask me what was in the room or to describe it and so I said nothing. I probably didn't flinch because I wasn't surprised or scared by his presence. When the session was over, I said nothing and went home, but canceled my next appointment and never went back. The very logical part of me realized that if I could make this up in hypnosis, then anything I get in that state is inaccurate. I put it away and thought, "hypnosis and regression is total hooey."

I do not believe in UFOs from other planets nor do I believe in alien grays. I would be more inclined to believe in time travel or interdimensional travel. It wasn't until recently when I felt open to talk to a few people close to me about this encounter that I realized I might have missed out on exploring something very vital to my very essence. I'm an inquisitive person, but would not let myself explore this unanswered puzzle. I encountered ghostly things as a child and it had me asking questions as an adult, but this strange encounter because it was recalled in hypnosis, I dismissed.

I have no memory of an alien in my room and yet every other detail of the regression was amazingly accurate, down to where I left my pile of clothing in my room that I never put away and had forgotten about that nook where I dumped things. I remembered the princess canopy bed I had which I had forgotten about in my waking moments.

So, why did this one scene to me negate the entire hypnosis session? Because it was so preposterous, I was humiliated that I even "thought" it.

What would it mean if there was credence to this encounter? That I'm now one of those flocks of abductees? I can negate it just as easily by the fact that I've had problems with sleep paralysis and night terrors my whole life and the night terrors with a horror so raw and so primal that my heart goes racing and I scream and thrash and feel more horror that any event could ever produce on a person's psyche. So, Mr. Alien With a Forehead Jewel can be negated by the very fact that it was recalled in bed.

Still, this one produced no paralysis and no terror. It was unlike any of the other night disturbances I've ever had.

Strangely too, when I look back at that moment of peering at him and knowing what he's "telling" me, I feel a kinship as if he were my parent and I was comforted to see him once again. I would compare it to Mr. Miyagi and the Karate Kid kind of relationship. He was a mentor and parental, but mostly the sense that I got from him that he believed in me unquestioningly made me feel a pit inside of me of pure grit and determination. I feel that pit sometimes tighten when I know I have to face more trials and I also feel a wash of security as I felt in that encounter, that I am more than prepared for whatever comes my way. That, somehow, HE prepared me for this venture called "human life."

Do I believe in alien abductions as literal events and grays and UFOs from other planets? Hell no! I still don't believe in it. Is there, perhaps, a God for us that leaves His image in our mind like a secret photo album to open up upon occasion and gaze into the face of our Maker? I'd be more likely to believe that and that is why so many people have the universal encounter with a large gray-headed being--it's something in our native brain that recalls a secret tucked away in our very DNA, perhaps that mitochondrial "Eve" that scientists speak of.

I should have made this piece a part of my mind fuck series, but seriously even I am shaking my head at sharing this because if flies against everything I've ever believed and I don't take it literally and yet it still holds enough "truth" to it to ring a bell inside of me. It says a lot that I even share it because I seriously had enough trouble admitting being synesthetic, having facial amnesia, being psychic or having encountered ghostly phenomena, but to add this to the mix just makes it even murkier and I'm not a person who at all likes the "woo woo" explanations for stuff.

Thus far, the oddities about my abilities I attribute to deficiencies in brain pathways and in some cases, like being psychic, overdeveloped pathways in other parts of my brain, but this "remembered" encounter is not something I can pull out and observe and use and hold and understand. This is something that was fleeting and so out of place in the middle of a very normal regression.

It was like, "here's your bed and your nubby bedspread your forgot about, the creak of the old box springs, the shadows of the moonlight on the roll down shades, the worn rug on the hard wood floor that kept your toes warm when you got up in the morning and, oh, yes the alien standing between you and the doorway."

Well, kiddies, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I'm reporting a regression "memory" and I am not in any way saying it really happened or I believe it happened, but for a blog where I discuss a helluva lot of theories and knock around some crazy things, I figured throwing out my most crazy thing of all might just open new discussions.

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Related : My Alien Encounter???

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