Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Destination Truth: Josh Gates Journals

I do the tank top shots and reviews for Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files and I do the drinking game and music videos for Ghost Adventures, but I realized I haven't done justice to my very favorite TV show; Destination Truth.

Well, this season, expect a post each day the show is on entitled “Josh Gates Journals.” There will be appropriate Josh adventurer picture with his trademark necklace and a humorous post taken from my own "fan journal" with a quiz question to stump you fans.

I am encouraging folks that if they're watching it tonight, feel free to come on and comment while watching it. Like Lonely on a Friday Night, I will be here all evening watching it too.

Warning: This is a way to let my tween alter ego express herself, completely tongue-in-cheek and obsessive. Just picture me playing with my pigtails as I take notes in my journal. Consider Josh a kind of Beiber of the paranormal world.

Journal entry March 17, 2011

Josh is going to have a new adventure tonight! He's going in search of Banshees in Ireland. OMG! He's soooo brave! I read that Banshees are female fairy spirits that supposedly come from the underworld and can be harbingers of death for families. If you hear her wailing cries, you or your loved ones may be in trouble!

Not my Josh, though! He's a superhero! He's so handsome, and so tall, and so sweet and when he jokes around, I just LMAO! I love his hair. If he ever cuts it, I'll be so sad. Maybe I could buy a lock of it on ebay and then some day, I could clone him. A dozen Josh's. Wow! (sigh)

Today is St. Patty's Day and I'm not wearing green. Why, you ask? Because if I happen to find myself in Ireland, perhaps kidnapped by some wild partygoers, and I run into Josh, I really really really want him to pinch me. LOL! (giggling, wiggling in my seat)

I just love the different expressions he makes. There's the one he does to the camera when he can't believe what someone is saying and I swear sometimes he's sharing the joke with me. Do you think he might be? OMG! LOL! (grinning)

This is the first live episode ever! All I have to say is that I have my Josh picture beside me and some green 7-up with a cherry in it. Josh, baby, if you want, you can have my cherry! OMG! TMI! LOL! (blushing)

How well do you know DT?

Which place has Josh NOT looked for a Bigfoot-type creature?
A. Florida
B. Russia
C. Washington
D. China
E. Bhutan
F. Australia

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Related : Destination Truth: Josh Gates Journals

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