Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

Abandoned Places: Abandoned Memories (Desert Edition)

Here's my writing blog.

If you missed the news, Julie and I's book is up on Amazon and Nook. There are buttons on the right of the screen for it if you're interested. It's also possible to download to your computer, Droid, IPAD, if you don't have a Kindle and the book is a sweet $2.99.

This was based on my psychic reads at 12 abandoned locations in the desert and Julie's photography. The insights include looking into the minds of children, teens, adults, middle-aged and the elderly of both sexes and differing backgrounds. These stories not only bring to life these desolate locations, but give an insight into psychic visions.

As well, check out Julie's Etsy shop where she has made artistic treasures from bits at abandoned sites and photographs. She has done an amazing job of making art that makes you feel like you have been there.

The cover art is done by the same artist who did the Ghost Hunting Theories animation in the bottom right hand side of the screen and the profile picture that I use for myself. He will be doing more book covers in the future and I will hope to showcase him some time soon. I gave him just a few words to describe what we wanted and he made exactly what we dreamed for the cover. He also does animations and promotional art. Having such a versatile artist on-board has made this dream a better reality. One thing we learned as ebook authors is that an artist can be the key to people "getting" what your book is about since they aren't picking it up and handling it in a store.

Oh, and I'm such a big kid, but isn't it cool--I have an author's page on Amazon now!

Expect to see my "Was That a Ghost?" book out in March.

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Related : Abandoned Places: Abandoned Memories (Desert Edition)

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