Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

What is she up to now???

Dale would refer to me as "The Human" (he pronounces it "you-mon") I prefer to think of me as an insane powerhouse muse, lighting everyone's fire and getting them excited about their lives. People who know me, however, would say I'm just a bawdy crazy goofball of energy. Whatever you prefer to call me (and believe me, I've been called it all), I am certainly up-front.

So, what am I up to lately? It's time for a status update:

Book-wise, I have two books on my plate right now (not literally, really? What do you think I eat?) I am working alongside Julie from Above-The-Norm on a book entitled "Abandoned Places: Abandoned Memories" in which we go to abandoned sites, Julie photographs them and I do psychic reads on the places. I write up a story describing a scene that occurred there and we incorporate the photos. This first edition is the desert edition and we hope to also do other subjects such as seaside, mountains, cornbelt and city. It is an amazingly wonderful book to put together because I've always wanted to be able to find a way to make my psychic reads become real for others so they can see what I see, know what I know. You look at an abandoned place and read the story and somehow its history has a life. It's like seeing an elderly person and then hearing of their antics when they were younger. You can almost envision them perky and triumphant and full of energy and excitement about life. Buildings are much the same. The contents are all still there, just housed in a different-looking shell.

The other book I'm working on is a workbook. It's called "Was That a Ghost?" It will help people through quizzes and narrowing down the field of possibilities, to find out if something that happened to them was paranormal or not. It's a question I get very often and I use the same logical process to help bring people to the conclusion and now folks will be able to do this on their own.

Yes, I do have a full-time job but am lucky to work from home which makes things a bit less stressful.

Many are curious about my personal life and the divorce goes through in about a month, I take back my wonderful and simple maiden name (have never had to spell it for anyone in my life). I am enjoying living on my own. I didn't think I would, but honestly I was alone the entire marriage, so it only means I don't have to cook for someone else any longer. So far as my wild and passionate single life-not happening. I admit that I have been without a man's attention for a very very long time, but I am putting some priorities first right now like learning to be on my own for the first time in my entire life and having a blast during the Halloween season, as well as getting myself published--finally and with MUCH determination. I am not worried about the man-thing. I truly believe the teacher will come when the pupil is ready (oh, I didn't just say that, it takes on a whole new meaning).

Yes, this October on the blog should be crazy. I will be doing more road trips and nutty things with Julie (she is so patient with me. You can't know half the things I put her through). We met a person who read my blog and contacted me. He lives about an hour and a half away from me. We hit the road on a crazy trip to meet another blog-related person and great new friend. When we arrive, I ask him to take my ghost hunting bag out of the trunk. Dale is lying in there looking up at him. Haha. Surprise #1. Later, when we're leaving his place and going to hit the road to find abandoned sites, I change into my sneakers at the trunk of my car. I peel off my shirt there on the road in front of his house and put on my grubby t-shirt. This guy has seriously been indoctrinated into my antics. Julie just shrugs at this point. She's seen it all (and she cannot be bought for her secrets, so don't try!) We plan to do some crazy Halloween event stuff with photos and video and a ghost hunt in a haunted hotel filmed on video as a pajama ghost hunt (a new feature on this blog).

Yeah, you don't know what to expect here next, but there will be more disturbing short stories, creepy Dale insanity as he descends into madness, and perhaps another doll character entering the picture on the blog... Oh, and more giveaways including a nice one tomorrow that will make you laugh.

So, that's just the basics of what's up with me. If I told you everything, I'd have to kill ya!

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