Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

The Urban Sasquatch Journal: A Hand in Everything

This is the reporting by a Bigfoot researcher of an ongoing study in the Southern part of the United States in a very large park area near homes and urban setting.

Link to the series

Journal Volume 3
Field Report #43
Friday, October 21, 2016

I arrived at the park around 9:10 AM. The temperatures was a cool 63 with a clear, blue sky. It was an awesome day. The recent weather had been close to 90; crazy for this time of year. That weekend the weather was cool and outstanding. 

I rode my bike that day. I did the close trail and then onto the main trail for the long ride with observations. My plan was to ride to the far end of the trail then on the way back stop at the P.R.O.W. and observe any changes from the previous visit. I would then bike back to the car and load up for site 1B.

I left for the close ride at 9:20 AM and was back to my car by 9:28 AM. I then geared up for the ride to the far end of the trail and the P.R.O.W. stop on the return leg of the ride. At 9:37 AM left for the main trail ride. On the ride the following items noted:

#1. and #2. On the east end of the trail, someone did a blue paint face on a tree off the south side of the trail. Vandal???

#3. thru #5. ON the east end of the trail and off the north side of the trail, possible stick glypths.????

I arrived at the P.R.O.W approximately 10:08 AM and headed to my deep set-ups site and observed the following:

#6. and #7. The red maker flag was pulled down from the position in the tree hollow spot and opening.????

#8. and #9. I just noticed the native American drawing sheet was now on the ground.???? It was laying on the old chicken wire, I tossed to the side months ago. This was approximately 8' from the tree it was recently left in.

#10. and #11. I put a food gifting set-up together at this spot. I took a 2x4, attached a cool whip container and another clear container onto the 2x4, then nailed the 2x4 to the tree. The cool whip container was 5'-5.5" off the ground and the clear container was 6'-7" off the ground. 

#12. The food items for the containers.

#13. Food in and on the tree containers.

#14. Food items in the hanging backpack.

#15. The closed hanging pack with top of the pack approximately 7'-9" off the ground.

#16. A ground glypth marker I made with nearby sticks.

#17. I re-hung the red flag and moved all the flags into a tighter position.

#18. I re-hung the drawings sheet from were it was last removed.

#19. thru #21. I took the 3 separate chicken wire sections and attached each to a separate, nearby tree.

After completing these movements in this spot, I went over to the old set up spot just inside the treeline along the east side of the P.R.O.W.

#22. and #23. These photos shows the limbs & logs I used to do this particular set-up. A triangle of ground logs around the standing and leaning logs, limbs, etc.

I was finished here at the P.R.O.W and left approximately 11:11 AM for my car. I arrived at the parking lot at 11:30 AM. I had to leave the park for awhile to take care of some personal business. This was 11:35 AM. At 12:30 PM I was back. I loaded my backpack, got my bike and rode to 1B. The temperature was now 73 and still had a clear, blue sky. What an awesome day to do research! At 12:42 I left the parking lot for 1B. I arrived at the site entry approximately 12:50 PM.

#24. thru #26. Instead of going on to the pipes, I walked along the grassy area just south of the entry to see some possible ground glyphs left recently.
Looked like one moved look like a pointer. The small, blue ball I left close by was by itself.???? I moved the blue ball to the junction of the points. I also put a smaller ball on a stick at the front of the 2 points.

I now entered the site and walked to the pipes.

#27 and #28. A far away, then close-up photo of a pecan shell left on the edge of the pipe.????

At this time I noticed the monkey doll was still in the crook of the tree not having been messed with. As time I took out my flute and did some blows on it, did 3 tree knocks and called out my name saying I was on site.

#29. I moved the pecan shell to the top of the monkey doll's head.

#30. On the path to the deeper area, sticks found in a possible glyph pattern.????

#31. and #32. The food items have been removed from the bucket. The wrappers are all over the ground at the area near the food bucket tree.????

#33. and #34. The large rock and 15 lb. kettle bell have been place back in the bucket.????

#35. The bucket holder ring was moved over the top of the bucket.????? It had been in the down hanging position.

#36. 'Clyde' was removed from the crook of the tree vines.?????

#37. The low tires with rocks, etc. have been moved off the water meter covers.???? The food and fruit items were taken.????

#38. and #39. The painted red ball with a face was removed from its previous position and was on the ground.????

At this time, I stopped to pick up trash in the immediate area and moved the tire with rocks, lid etc.

#40. Food items for the gifting food bucket.

#41. Food items in the tree bucket.

#42. I put both the rock and kettle bell on top of the food items.

#43. I tied 'Clyde' to the top of the bucket and lowered the ring holder back to its normal position.

#44. I put the red painted ball into the hanging tire opening. The mini-bear, I have attached to the hanging chain.

#45 and #46. On my walking path, another possible sticks ground glyph.????

#47. The deer corn bucket and tire has been moved again.???? The container lid was on the ground nearby.????

#48. and #49. I found the container approximately 10' away smashed, mashed and flattened.????

#50. and #51. Next set-up with deer corn bucket, tire and food items in the bucket.

#52. and #53. At the new set-up, I add the yellow tire with a rim. I then put my group of rocks on the rim. This makes for a heavy grouping to move to get to the food.

#54. I moved the garbage can lid back to the nearby tree crook.

#55. I just noticed my map case bag which I keep hand spray paints in, one snap was open.???? I had snapped both closed last visit.

At 1:58 PM, I finished doing things on the site. I took some time to sit in my chair and just relax. It was very pleasant sitting having the wind blowing thru the tree tops. The crows were 'kawing' off in the distance. I made up my mind to take a hike in the area across the ditch to the west along the creek. Whoa, I then heard some kind of vocal to the east. ????? I began to walk out of the site around 2:25 PM.

#56. & #57.------On the edge of the site, just to the north, I found this damaged animal doll. I took it over near the pipes and put it in this particular tree crook as seen.

I left the site for across the ditch and along the creek.

#58.-------Along the creek to the west on the north side.

#59. thru #61. The bridge with major highway which cuts thru the area.

#62. Items I found near the creek which I will take back to 1B.

At 3:15 PM, I was back at 1B.

#63. One of the balls found was a 'earth' ball. I added it next to the monkey doll at the tree crook.

#64. and #65. The bucket with found items. I left them on pipe #2.

I completed today's work. I left the site at 3:20 PM. I really enjoyed today's visit.

This concludes Field Report #43 for Friday October 21, 2016.

*Tomorrow's post "Was a City Found Under the Ice in Antarctica?"*

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Related : The Urban Sasquatch Journal: A Hand in Everything

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