Senin, 08 Agustus 2016

The Wookie Whisperer: Notes on Bigfoot

This is a real-life Bigfoot habituation situation in the Midwest and the man who has learned to coexist in a most playful and remarkable way.

Prior Installments: 
#2 Tootsie Pops and Bacon
#3 Little Andy the Klepto Peeping Tom
#4 The Hairy Owl Ladies
#5 The Coyote Men and the Sentinels
#6 Night Moves
#7 Living With Wookies

*In this installment, Dave will share some signs of Bigfoot in the woods and his take on it.*

Some of the odds and ends of Bigfooting.

 Let us begin with wood knocks.This may also include rock clacking. I am only guessing at the meaning of the wood knock code. Six knocks in a row is an alarm. This will summon other sentries while the females and young move away to safety. A single knock seems to be an "all clear." Now other numbers often coincide with the number of individuals of either humans or Bigfoot depending on the circumstance. And there is what I have figured out from the behavior that goes with the knocks.

People often find glyphs and some guess that it is either like a family crest or from an individual. I do not find them here, but may not be looking hard enough for them. Some of them that I have seen in pics kinda remind me of Chinese writing. Not sure if there is a connection or not.

Now to try to grasp the stick category...The first thing is what would appear to be a "blind." That's simple as it gives an ambush point and breaks up the color and shape much like the stripes on a tiger. 

Then, we find the classic "X." Most seem to agree that this is a territorial marker and means keep out. Like a no trespassing sign. Then, are the arches where young trees are bent and shaped in much the same way that the curved back of a wooden chair is made. They do this by stressing the wood just enough to stretch one side of the sapling and they will often place a dead piece of wood on the end to hold it in place. When I find these they usually mark a trail head.

The saplings alternate its kinda hard to see but there are 3 in arches -

This (below) is a rare find - 2 saplings both broken at different times at the same height, also so as they would not kill the tree and they both point to my pond a freshwater source. They are at the roads edge where the trail splits.

You can see the trails they use (below).

You can see arches on the left side (below). This is by the creek and a crossroads in the trail system.

arch over trail

Then, you get the big criss-cross structures which I believe are a territorial marker. The Teepee types have been suggested to mark where they will bed down in the area often times next to a fallen tree, like a campground for them. This is just my interpretation of them. Others may have a different interpretation and be correct in their findings. Often times we have to give it our best guess to fill in the missing pieces of this great puzzle we call Bigfoot.

(sample photo from online)

In some locations around the US people find rocks stacked in 3's. Sometimes they will be to large to be moved by humans.  
Many attribute this to Bigfoot. although it could also be humans doing it as there seem to be a lack of eye witness accounts of Bigfoot doing this. In my location, I have not seen rock stacks at all and there are plenty of Bigfoot around but not any hikers since it's private land. I am not sure if this behavior is done by a specific subspecies or just humans, but anything is possible.

*Blog Author: Learning about Bigfoot is an ongoing laboratory for those who live in habituation situations. Dave has done an excellent job of taking note of the boundaries and limitations of a relationship with his "Wookies" and noting their habits and tendencies. This is an ongoing project with future installments, no doubt!*

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Related : The Wookie Whisperer: Notes on Bigfoot

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