Rabu, 17 Agustus 2016

Bigfoots' Skin

Bigfoot and gray skin 

There's a lot of back and forth about descriptions of Bigfoots' skin, but the vast majority involve gray skin, whether it's blue gray and deep like an ape or a lighter gray like a gray cat. 

In Homo sapiens, gray skin denotes an issue with lack of oxygen-carrying blood. But, our skin is relatively thin at 7 layers and just 2 mm thick and we normally have some color to the flesh boosted by blood flow in surface capillaries. 

Our thin skin offers little protection from the elements and leaves us vulnerable to frostbite. We have a good deal of surface capillaries, so simply a scratch or puncture and we can bleed. 

But, what if Bigfoot were a human adapted for a different situation than we Homo sapiens? 

To someone with very thick skin adapted for cold high altitude climates (think of regions like the Caucasus Mountains in Eastern Europe), the skin would be quite thick - hiding much of the surface capillary blushing appearance we get. In fact, to protect from frostbite, it would be necessary for capillaries to be deeper in the thick protective dermis. This thick skin would also offer protection from harsh sun at high altitudes. The skin would be keratonized and tough. So tough, in fact, that frostbite and tree limb injury would not be a threat.

art by researcher David Claerr

To an ape, their skin allowed for melatonin and protection from the equatorial sunlight, as well as them being arboreal (tree dwelling) so their body hair needed a backdrop that would allow them to blend easily into the forest to allow for harder detection by predators. 

If my theory that Bigfoot are likely Denisovans (or Denisovans/Neanderthal hybrids) is correct, then their body proportions were adapted for mountainous regions (long arms, shorter legs, long body to clamor on all four up a hillside), along with the body hair (for blending and also added protection from elements), and the gray skin would be a protection from high altitude sun and thick adaptation for cold climates, with a barrel chest necessary for moving a large muscular body in the thin air of high altitudes.  

We don't know much about Denisovans bodies, as we have only recovered molars and a finger bone, but the molars from a youth were exceptionally large. 

We also know that Neanderthal had barrel-shaped chest, and longer arms, longer body, shorter legs, as we see in the Bigfoot, as well. 

Now, Bigfoot may be quite taller than Neanderthal, but then you and I are taller than Homo erectus. If Neanderthals bred with Denisovans and they were tall beings with large molars, then we might get interesting mixes, like red and blond hair from Neanderthal, body proportions, head shape, and possibly size from Denisovans and hairiness. 

These cold-region types would also possess a much thicker skin, perhaps less blood flow to an almost keratin-like outer surface to resist mountain climates. This might also explain Bigfoot's ability to go barefoot in wintertime and seem to have no trouble with it.

I absolutely do not believe Bigfoot migrate. They stay through the seasons, even in Alaska. How is this possible? It is when your skin is a protective suit. The very color of their skin would be more seal-like/whale like than human-like. Thus, they an easily walk barefoot in snow. 

When one of us flatlanders goes up on K2 and hikes, our blood thickens awfully, but sherpas (who have some Denisovans' DNA) have no issues with the altitude and getting oxygen and moving blood. That should equate to different skin tones. 

Australian aborigines have a tiny bit of ancient Denisovans in their DNA and their skin has a bluish-dark tone to it, but Homo sapiens dominance for all of us means we all pretty much have thin skin today. More than likely, tens of thousands of years of Homo sapiens influence has brought a warmth to the coloring, sort of like freckles might have originated from Europeans' Neanderthal genes. We all carry "other" man DNA in us but it was so long ago, much of the characteristics are lost in appearance, whereas some of the genes for strengths and weaknesses physically continue on. 

What can we learn from Bigfoot's gray skin? 

Perhaps that they were adapted to a climate in which the sun was intense and their circulatory system was adapted. Blood was drawn away from the outer skin surface and the coloring allowed for protection from a high altitude sunlight.

Should we be seeing more Bigfoot with other skin types, that might be a sign that over tens of thousands of years of being on flatlands, they have begun to adapt their skin to the climates of the 5000-foot Appalachians or the sea levels in the South, not necessarily a sign of interbreeding with Homo sapiens, a window of possibility that has likely passed long ago.

The qualities of Bigfoot skin are more important than the hair and equally important with the fact they have a muscular body with proportions that are adequate for scrambling up hillsides at a fast pace. The report of this gray skin are perfectly in keeping with the adaptations necessary to live a feral forested life in areas with harsh winters. 

Consider this - 

In Arizona we send football players up to Flagstaff to high elevation to train. Why? So they get strong lung capacities and muscle tension and then they come down to sea level and playing football is easier, right?
Now, you take a Sherpa who can handle K2 no sweat for elevation, but you put one of us flatlanders up there and, no matter how in shape we are, our blood thickens.

Sherpas got a high altitude chromosome from the Denisovans. 

What if you had a man who was evolved for high elevations? Thick skin, hair, extreme muscle strength, body proportions of longer arms and bodies, but shorter legs so they can scramble up and down hillsides? What if you put that man on flatland? Would he seem to be extremely fit and able to handle seasons? 

Now, you have a Bigfoot....

Art above by respected researcher and artist, David Claerr - David Claerr (Books)
David Claerr (Art) 

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